Search results

  1. geckopsu

    Scarlet Hermit Crab

    This one is to replace the Scarlet Hermit Crab I posted on 11/8. For some reason it won't let me edit it to swap out the photo. I just like this one better.
  2. geckopsu

    Mandarin Dragonet-Green

    That's a happy Mandarin. You got my vote.
  3. geckopsu

    Engineer Goby

    Yes, it's a very long skinny fish.
  4. geckopsu

    Sixline Wrasse

    Thanks for the compliments! This is one of the most peaceful fish I own. He did a great job on the flatworm problem I had. He's always moving so he's challenging to photograph.
  5. geckopsu

    Flame Hawkfish

    He's an interesting fish with a lot of personality. He just jumps from rock to rock just watching everything around him. Very peaceful; he doesn't bother anyone and no fish has ever bothered him. I definitely recommend him!
  6. geckopsu

    Flame Hawkfish

    Just doing what he does best.
  7. geckopsu

    Blue Throat Trigger

    Lost this poor guy unexpectedly in August. Loved this fish.
  8. geckopsu

    Sixline Wrasse

    my sixline
  9. geckopsu

    Yellow Tang

    Nuts, I was going to shoot mine today. Thanks for the info.
  10. geckopsu

    arrowhead crab

    Great shot. What are they crawling on?
  11. geckopsu

    Yellow Tang

    Originally Posted by ElitePhoto to late buddy. there is one that looks good that already won that contest According to the schedule the Tangs are supposed to be voted on next Friday . Did they really already pick one?
  12. geckopsu

    Flame Scallop

    wow that's amazing! Great shot!
  13. geckopsu

    Cleaner Clams

    awesome shot!
  14. geckopsu

    Scarlet Hermit Crab

    Here's my Scarlet Hermit Crab in an Astrea shell... Wait a minute, he wasn't wearing that when I bought him...Squishy!, Squishy, ... has anyones seen my snail Squishy?
  15. geckopsu

    Pajama Cardinal Poll

    That's not a bad idea. That little guy deserves something.
  16. geckopsu

    Pajama Cardinal Poll

    Feels good to win something. Now, what to buy ...
  17. geckopsu


    My favorite general use lens. Rarely take it off my camera.
  18. geckopsu

    Midas Blenny

    OK. I agree with everyone that a full shot of the fish makes for a better shopping experience. I feel bad posting a pic after the voting has begun so how about this... if my first two pics get chosen to represent the Midas Blenny, SWF can choose between them or the attached shot. I am not...
  19. geckopsu

    Pajama Cardinal Poll

    Thanks everyone
  20. geckopsu


    It's a nice shot man. It's definitely sharper than mine it's just lacking a little contrast. Love all your shots though.