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  1. geckopsu

    Do you use carbon?

    Is it recommended to use carbon for a reef system if you have a sump with a skimmer and a refugium containing chaeto and miracle mud? Nitrates are steady at 0 without carbon. My thinking is the same as LedZep on this subject.
  2. geckopsu

    Sump and NEW fuge in basement project

    My Mag used to be in the sump, but because of overheating issues (especially when the lights were on) I designed this one to be external. They are a constant source of heat. That was not a good thing for my set up. ReefForBrains, thanks for the tips! I did already set up the top off system. I...
  3. geckopsu

    Sump and NEW fuge in basement project

    Originally Posted by big Went through the wall behind the tank and down the side... That's what I did too. I cut out a panel in the wall large enough to give me access to the floor space within the wall. then I cut the holes in the floor there at a slight angle. Definitely saved the hardwoods...
  4. geckopsu

    Sump and NEW fuge in basement project

    I also am using a Mag 18. I have it going through 8 feet of 1.5" flex PVC. I was also worried about the flow. A couple of things I did to keep the flow going was to: 1) Use flex PVC to reduce the number of elbows (no quick turns) 2) Use 1.5" tubing. This one surprised me but after doing a lot...
  5. geckopsu

    Sump and NEW fuge in basement project

    So after a mostly successful first year in the reefkeeping hobby, I thought I'd improve the system and move the 30 gallon sump and set up my new 20 gallon refugium in the basement. Not being much of a plumber, please excuse the purple primer splattered on the flex-pvc. It's also a mess because...
  6. geckopsu

    New Tank Shot! 46g Bow Front!

    Holy Green Stars! Love how they're growing up the back. That's gotta add a lot of movement to the tank. Great job!
  7. geckopsu

    Beneficial Hitchhikers?

    I'm usually a nice guy, except when something Fs with my pods. Those poor little guys have a hard time defending themselves.
  8. geckopsu

    Beneficial Hitchhikers?

    After a full year with my 90g reef, I decided to add a 20g refugium. So yesterday I added the final ingredient, the Chaeto macro algae and was surprised by what fell out of it. Along with a bunch of pods , a small brittle star and a red fireworm fell out. What should I do with these little...
  9. geckopsu

    What is this...a Snail???

    Alright, i'm starting to feel better. After doing further research, starting with the link that MichaelTX sent (thanks man), I'm leaning towards identifying this snail as a Rissoid, wich is common and beneficial in a reef tank. They are very commonly, and understandably, mistaken with the...
  10. geckopsu

    What is this...a Snail???

    I think I'm going to have to. Although right after I took that picture, the darn thing fell off the glass and into the sand... which is like finding a needle in a haystack.
  11. geckopsu

    What is this...a Snail???

    oh man, it looks like you can't count on anything eating them. I might me SOL. Poor clams...
  12. geckopsu

    What is this...a Snail???

    Thanks for the info. Any idea how to get rid of them, naturally? Photography is another one of my hobbies.
  13. geckopsu

    What is this...a Snail???

    Just noticed this thing sticking to the glass, it's shell is being whipped around by the water current. It's about half the size of a grain of rice. I've heard of pyramid snails and was hoping that this isn't one. Any Idea what it is?
  14. geckopsu

    Urchin pics

    Here's a pic of my black spiny urchin (sorry it's so abstract but at least it's interesting) . He does knock everything over that's not glued down but he does a great job at getting rid of algae on rocks.
  15. geckopsu

    Camera Shopping ISO pics

    Hey Earlybird, with a $300 budget, I'd stick with the Kodak EasyShare too. Any of the Z series cameras take great pictures and the colors are very vibrant. I agree that the editing software isn't great, but that wouldn't sway my decision. One of my cameras is the P850 but i've used the Z710 and...
  16. geckopsu

    PEX tubing

    What's the downside of using vinyl tubing as the way to get the water to the filtration in the basement?
  17. geckopsu

    PEX tubing

    My LFS never mentioned vinyl tubing as an option for plumbing. :notsure: Could I use vinyl tubing that instead of stiff PVC pipes to go from 1st floor to basement and back? Would it last, can it withstand the pressure? What would the drawbacks be? I'd much rather install vinyl than PVC if its...
  18. geckopsu

    PEX tubing

    Only brass huh? Nuts! I guess it's back to the drawing board with PVC.
  19. geckopsu

    PEX tubing

    Has anybody ever successfully used PEX tubing for plumbing? I'm moving my sump and refugium to the basement soon and like the benefits of PEX - ease of installation, quiet and no hard 45 or 90 degree bends to restrict flow. Whatcha think? :notsure:
  20. geckopsu

    Fuge Vegitation?

    Chaeto it is then. Thanks for your help. Now i just need to find some. :notsure: