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  1. geckopsu

    Fuge Vegitation?

    What is the best vegitation to add to a refugium? Here's my setup: 90 gallon reef display tank (1st floor) est. 6/2006 30 gallon sump with ASM G2 skimmer (basement) 20 gallon refugium -- just purchased (basement) 2x40w lighting on -fuge whatcha think?
  2. geckopsu

    DTs phytoplankton

    Thats' very impressive. I spend a lot of money on DTs for my LPSs. I think it's worth it, but if I could make my own... more money for LPSs! Thanks for the idea. :jumping:
  3. geckopsu

    lets see the feather dusters

    I got it at one of the local reef shops in Rochester. There are three of them within 20 minutes of each other. I paid $58. She's a beauty. Hope I can keep her happy.
  4. geckopsu

    lets see the feather dusters

    Originally Posted by xokarmaxo GORGEOUS!!!! That's a coco worm, right? :notsure: Thanks! Yep. That's a coco worm. I'm feeding it DTs to try and keep it happy but it's not looking so good right now.
  5. geckopsu

    lets see the feather dusters

    here's a close up…
  6. geckopsu

    Wallpaper pictures

    a couple more:
  7. geckopsu

    Wallpaper pictures

    Great idea with the wallpapers. Here are a few of my favorites that I actually use as desktop pictures.
  8. geckopsu

    Electric Bill POLL:

    My average electric consumption DOUBLED since I got a 90 gallon reef system. That's $100/month increase and I've got 2 years of electric bills to prove it! I have 2 175w Metal Halides on for 8 hours/day. 2 110w Actinics on for 12hours/day. 300w heater, skimmer, 3 in aquarium pumps, Mag 9 return...
  9. geckopsu

    Pop Quiz Hot Shot …

    Here's the original Red Brain shot. I feed him daily and he never seems to get enough.
  10. geckopsu

    Pop Quiz Hot Shot …

    This is the original shot of the spiny urchin uncropped, just sized down. I love this shot.
  11. geckopsu

    Pop Quiz Hot Shot …

    drum roll …
  12. geckopsu

    Pop Quiz Hot Shot …

    Alright, I know I'll forget to post these later, so I'll do it now. Some of these images are the same as the initial "question" set just not cropped in as much. The other shots (Spiny Urchin, Riccordea and Red Brain) were taken with a different camera on a different day but of the same exact...
  13. geckopsu

    Pop Quiz Hot Shot …

    Originally Posted by saltn00b amazing what 2 grand in photo equipment can do There's your answer Bronco. It's a great camera and lens combination for macro shots. Photography's one of my many hobies (obviously SW Reefs is another, and an even more expen$ive hoby). There's not enough time in the...
  14. geckopsu

    Pop Quiz Hot Shot …

    Bronco, 4 out of 6
  15. geckopsu

    Pop Quiz Hot Shot …

    Bonita, you got 2 right. DragonZim, It's a Canon 400D camera with a 100mm f/2.8 macro lens and a MR-14EX Ring Lite. Sparkee, I'd order out more often if I were you.
  16. geckopsu

    Pop Quiz Hot Shot …

    I'll post the answers towards the end of the day. Hope that doesn't make me sound like an [hr] . Just thought I'd let some others guess.
  17. geckopsu

    Pop Quiz Hot Shot …

    I tried not to make them too tough, but I guess that's hard to do when these are items in my tank that I stare at every day.
  18. geckopsu

    Pop Quiz Hot Shot …

    For extra bragging rights:
  19. geckopsu

    Pop Quiz Hot Shot …

    Here are a few macro shots I took this weekend with my new lens. No enhancements have been made besides cropping them down to size. Sorry, no prizes awarded for guessing them correctly (except for bragging rights). Just thought this could be fun.
  20. geckopsu

    New Camera..Bored.. 300 Aggressive

    love the Blonde Naso. Congratulations on the new camera purchase!