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  1. geckopsu

    Plate Coral - orange

    one of my favorite corals
  2. geckopsu

    Engineer Goby

    about 1 1/2 years old
  3. geckopsu

    Pajama Cardinal

    ol' red eye
  4. geckopsu

    Blue Hippo Tang

    ol' blue
  5. geckopsu

    Midas Blenny

    Love this fish
  6. geckopsu

    using a new camera some practice shots what u think?

    That last full tank shot is great. Very inspiring. Thanks for sharing!
  7. geckopsu

    Powerheads and Wave Makers

    Agreed! Great pumps!
  8. geckopsu

    Powerheads and Wave Makers

    I'm looking for advice on powerheads and wave makers: my tank: 90gallon reef I just replaced my 2 MaxiJet 1200 powerheads I had placed in the corners of my tank with 2 Hydor Koralia Pump 4s (also 1200 gph). I did this to get more general flow rather than "jet" directed and to get rid of those...
  9. geckopsu


    I'm just about to return my long spine urchin (today actually). I've had him for 14 months but within the last two, he has eaten all my mushrooms, two red brains, a torch, and all but one blastomusa. The things got a taste for $$$ things. I see you live in Rochester. I'll sell him to you for $5...
  10. geckopsu

    RO water???

    You make your own Reverse Osmosis water. You can buy the units on this site. See "Aquarium Supplies" link on the left then scroll down to Reverse Osmosis Units". I can honestly say that topping off daily with R/O water (and using it for water changes) combined with a good protein skimmer is why...
  11. geckopsu

    Labor Weekend tragedy

    OMG, you just went through my worst nightmare. I've wondered what I would do if that situation happend to me, and I think I'd have to quit the hobby. I just don't have the funds (or the patients) to start over. I'm so sorry man.
  12. geckopsu

    Chaeto shrinking

    Originally Posted by Buckeye88 cheatos tend to go away because they're cheesy and delicious you've got a point there.
  13. geckopsu

    What is a good all around lens???

    I use the Canon EF 24-70mm f/2.8L USM for general picture taking. It takes incredibly sharp pictures but it's a little heavy if you plan on walking around with it a lot. The wide open 2.8 aperture is great for taking crisp photos of fish and corals while blurring the backgrounds. I also use the...
  14. geckopsu

    Aliens have invaded my sump!!

    Alright, I'm going to go with sea squirt unless someone can convince me otherwise. Now what should I do with them?
  15. geckopsu

    Aliens have invaded my sump!!

    Originally Posted by KoralKid it looks like a sea squirt. i dont really know but it looks like it. I just googled "sea squirt" and you may be on to something. Pretty close.
  16. geckopsu

    Aliens have invaded my sump!!

    I thought it could be an egg of some sort too, but there are no creatures in my sump to lay anything. Seems to back up my "alien invasion" theory doesn't it?
  17. geckopsu

    Aliens have invaded my sump!!

    They are all attached. Once they pop up, they stay there for good unless I simply wipe them off the acrylic. It doesn't take much to get rid of them but they're fascinating and they're only in my sump.
  18. geckopsu

    Aliens have invaded my sump!!

    That 2nd pic is just a close up of the 1st pic's guts. Pretty gross, huh? I've looked everywhere on the net for an ID on these things.
  19. geckopsu

    Aliens have invaded my sump!!

    So I've got about 50 of these in my 30 gal. sump. They're about 3/4 of an inch long each. They don't seem to move but their guts are pretty cool looking. So, anyone know what they are?
  20. geckopsu

    Do you use carbon?

    Cool, Thanks. Always wondered about carbon. Great poll Becky!