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  1. djcanis


    If you mean actually fed him, never. It, like the rest of the fish see me grab the flake food from the side of the tank and they rise to the top, the shrimp crawls up on the higest rock and pulls in pieces of food. Not to mentin it is constantly picking things out of the LL & CC. I didnt think...
  2. djcanis

    CC Maintence

    When I first set up my tank about 4 years ago now, I bought a starter kit from the LFS, it came with the CC. And I have just left it in there. I vacuum it about every 3 weeks or so. I keep the tank rather clean. I had just read a few posts that were talking about LS and the effect vacuuming...
  3. djcanis

    CC Maintence

    So I have read quite a few times that syphoning and vacuming LS bed is bad, and should not be done. Should I not be cleaning my CC bed?
  4. djcanis


    Thats what I figured, but I ask anyway. Always tryin to learn more. I figured they grow fast with there size. Most of my fish are small and havent grown much in the year since the last addition, the angel is only 2 1/2 inches, the clown is about 2, and the blenny and chromie are about an...
  5. djcanis


    I already have an angel in the tank and SWF recommends not having another angel along with my Eibli. As far as bristle worms, I used to use a flashlight in the middle of the night, after the room was pitch black for hours and you could literally see tons of them crawling in and out fo the...
  6. djcanis


    So I know I am having a bit of Cyano problem at the moment but I am planning my next addition anyway. I need some advice. I currently have a Maroon Clown, Eibli Angel (sp), Lawnmower Blenny, Green Chromie (only 1) and a Coral Banded Shrimp. There are also a few hermits and will be a few...
  7. djcanis

    Good Starter fish?

    I would deff stay away from Damsels. It is what I started with and the 4 stripe harrassed every other fish in the tank till I scooped him out and threw him in the snow. I know its kind of mean, but a 8$ fish killed a Koran Angel, a BiColor Angel and 6 Line. Green Chromies are great, they are...
  8. djcanis

    Dark Algae on bottom

    Lights arent the orignal,I'm on my 4th set. The tank has been up over 3 years and its just in the last few months that its become a problem. I moved the tank about 6 months ago, I realized that during the day I had about 5 hours of direct sunlight through the window right on the tank. Alge...
  9. djcanis

    Dark Algae on bottom

    I had posted a few hours ago about my problem with cyano (Red Slime). I have tried cutting my light cycle down and have also cut back on feeding, my lights are about a year and a half old. Initially, it was forming on my rock, I scrubbed it off and syphoned it out of the tank, that solved...
  10. djcanis

    Red Slime Takeover

    So I have been having a bit of a problem with Red Slime again. I thought it was a high phospate level, but it is not. Did some water tests over the last week, PH is 7.8, Ammonia and Nitrites are at 0, Nitrates are >80 (I know its bad), and phospate is a little less then .1 Any thoughts...
  11. djcanis

    Coraline Alge????

    The red smile comes off very easily, I used a turkey baster, like suggested above, and it woked great. put the baster in the tank and blast the red slime, used a syphon to suck it out. I have left the tank light off, for like 36 hours now, and using a flashlight, I can see the spots I didnt...
  12. djcanis

    Coraline Alge????

    Thank you all for the help, have been doing a bit of reading, and most of what I see says that it is a problem of either water levels or flow. Yet, I test my water every other day and its good, gravity is a little off from evap, (house is really dry) but the rest are good. And as far as flow...
  13. djcanis

    Coraline Alge????

    some of the chuncks so look like the red slime, water flow shouldnt be a issue, its a 29 gal, I have 4 power heads plus the filter, (60, 12, 200, 240 gal/hr). It started shortly after moving the tank to the new place about a year ago. But lately it has gotten worse. I vacume it off when I do...
  14. djcanis

    Coraline Alge????

    Is this Coraline or is this somthing being caused by my water? It has been steadily growing for a while, and my lawnmower belenny doesnt seem to go near it. Any thoughts? I dont have a phospate test, should I invest in one? I scrape the spots off the front of the tank but let the rest go...
  15. djcanis

    Sick Chromie

    So I have gotten the water levels back to normal, the Sg is around 1.025, and the Nitrates are below 15, Ammonia and Nitrites are both 0, has been since shortly after the water change 4 days ago. Now the fish stays in the bottom corners of the tank, its color has turned a very bright light...
  16. djcanis

    Sick Chromie

    No, they have always done everything as a pair, the other one just hangs out now on the rock under the sick one.
  17. djcanis

    Sick Chromie

    I have a green chromie that is acting strange. For the last few days it has remained in the top rear right corner. It seems to be eating, water levels are a bit off. Mitrates up around 30, and the gravity is ranging from 1.024 to .027, everything else tests fine. Water change is tomorrow...
  18. djcanis

    Sick Fish Possibly

    heres the pic
  19. djcanis

    Sick Fish Possibly

    Hey everyone, I have a green chromie that appears to be ill. For the last couple of days it has kept to the top right rear corner of the tank staying completely vertical. It has ate normally at feeding, but has lost its color and is not a shade of gray blue. I have pics which I will post as...
  20. djcanis

    Canopy question...How to make front removable w/o hinges

    Possibly a stupid question by a newbie, but does the box for the MH,s have to be that tall. How far do they need to be off the top of the warter as compared to like PC's or cheap flourecents?