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  1. djcanis

    File Fish

    I just purchsed an orange spotted file fish from the lfs, never seen one b4, just wondering if anyone has any experience with one?
  2. djcanis

    New Fish

    Anyone have any experience with an orange spotted file fish, just picked one up at the lfs. I have done a bunch of reading online, just wndering if anyone has firsthand experience.
  3. djcanis

    Strange Behavior

    really, i read they woud be fine, especially if placed in pairs
  4. djcanis

    Strange Behavior

    dont know, clean up crew, few snails, couple more crabs, shrimp or two probably a pair of percs or sebae clowns, maybe a small angel?
  5. djcanis

    Strange Behavior

    livestock: Maroon Clown (inch and a half) lg emerald crab sm scarlet hermet wisper 30 filter, Marine Glo light, any suggestions where to go next?
  6. djcanis

    Strange Behavior

    and its a 60, 150 and 200 gph, not 600
  7. djcanis

    Strange Behavior

    30 gal, 45 lbs LR, CC base, ?lbs, it was a bag, maybe 25, been runing 2 years, moved on friday,
  8. djcanis

    Strange Behavior

    anay suggestion on the powerhead placement have a rio 60, 150 and 600 gph heads all along the back the 600 on the left the side of tank, the 150 on th eright with the 60 on the right tank wall blowing down the back, al three blow into rock for flow
  9. djcanis

    Strange Behavior

    yeah, its been running, its on now, up to 76, how much higher should I go, was told 72-74
  10. djcanis

    Strange Behavior

    moved tank last friday, he was fine till monday night tuesday morning, I did add another power head, its not much but its only a 30 gal tank, could it be to much flow, where he is seems to be the calmest spot in the tank?
  11. djcanis

    So much stuff to get rid off need $ any reasonable offer will be accepted.

    whats left, from Albany area, willing to pick up
  12. djcanis

    Strange Behavior

    Water, Ph 8.2 Amm 0 Trites 0 Trates 20 Sg 1.023 Temp 72 He was fine for the first wo or three days
  13. djcanis

    29gl setup in albany ny area

    whats left? from schenectady area
  14. djcanis

    Strange Behavior

    I recently moved my tank, everything has tested fine so far, however clown fish stays hiding behind hang on filter, any ideas?
  15. djcanis

    Strange Behavior

    I recently moved my tank, everything tests fine, yet my clown is hiding behind the lip of my hangon filter, any ideas why?
  16. djcanis

    Flourescent lighting

    I have the 20 watt Marine-Glo T-8 that you can get at Petsmart, I dont know about coral, but the growth on my LR has been amazing since I put it in, and it was cheap
  17. djcanis

    Fish Acting Strange

    h is th eonly fish in the tank, all of my inverts are fine, so I dont think its a water problem otherwise they would be affected More salt of more fresh water the intank Sg gauge is jumping all over from 1.02 to 1.03, the external hand held is off the scale at like 1.035 what gives
  18. djcanis

    Fish Acting Strange

    Moved my tank on Friday, so far all is well except for a clown fish acting a bit wierd. He is staying behind the lip of the filter near the top of the tank. I added a new powerhead so could th ecurrent at the bottom be to strong? Where he is is the most calm spot in the tank. Other...
  19. djcanis

    Moving Tank Tomorrow, HELP

    Here is my plan, let me know if i should adjust anything. Fish going in 1 gallon bags LR in styrafoam containers with premixed water CC going to be cleaned when I take it out and put it back in (should that also be kept in water?) Filter media kept in ziplock with tank water. I have the...
  20. djcanis

    Moving Tank Tomorrow, HELP

    i had an ammonia spike a week after the move, I cant afford to replace the CC, what if i clean it real well, what about preventing the LR from die off, I kept in in water, but the LFS said syrafoam boxes and just keep it moist?