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  1. 27mtaylor

    Deep Sand Bed Produces Toxic Gas??

    Stanlalee, I have a question for you. I use CC in my tank. I have reduced it to 1" or less to try to reduce my nitrates. Currently my readings stay around 15 ppm. Do you use the CC that is about the size of a dime (or a little bigger) or do you have the stuff that is crushed up a lot finer...
  2. 27mtaylor

    childs basketball game

    I work for the County Recreation department and we see this stuff all the time. A lot of parent's don't want the game to be fun. They want the kids to win. That is all that matters. If a kid strikes out, a lot of the parents just want to blame the umpires. A lot of parents think that their...
  3. 27mtaylor

    Causes of ich

    Correct. It has a life cycle that it goes through and must have a fish to host it or it will eventually die off in 4 weeks or so.
  4. 27mtaylor

    Causes of ich

    Stress. When a fish becomes stressed, it's immune system weakens and is not able to fight off ich.
  5. 27mtaylor

    whats your favorite color

  6. 27mtaylor

    Can you use sand from the beach?

    The sand on the beach has a lot of contaminents in it. You may pollute your water by using it.
  7. 27mtaylor

    why no crushed coral????

    CC allows a lot of detrius material to settle deep with in the cc bed, where the clean up crew has no way to get to it. There it turns to nitrates and create water problems. For a CC bed to work properly you don't want it to be any deeper that one inch and you should vacuum it when you do...
  8. 27mtaylor

    HLLE Recovery Question

    Thanks guys. I was curious whether the copper wire would leach into the water or not. I'm just cheap and hate spending money when I can find a more inexpensive way. Beth you are right though, it will be one of my cheapest investments for my tank. I can deal with $15, lol.
  9. 27mtaylor

    Kirby Puckett died

    Wow!! So young too! What happened?
  10. 27mtaylor

    hermit crabs

    If that is the max size of the hermit, you should be fine. I have blue leg and scarlet hermits and they don't bother any of my fish. They don't even bother my little neon goby.
  11. 27mtaylor

    HLLE Recovery Question

    Anthony, glad to see you tang is doing better. Hopefully mine will do the same soon. As far as a grouning probe goes, can I just take a piece of electrical wire (like used in houses) and run it from the water into the ground hole on an outlet?
  12. 27mtaylor

    3 year and still in the newbie room

    I agree, metal halides will be the best you can get. They cost more than the VHO, but in the end you will probably be better off and can have just about any coral or anemone that you want. ...wish I had gone with metal halides.
  13. 27mtaylor

    Help With Temp!!

    A lot of times your lighting can give off a lot of heat. That may be something to look at and add a fan if that is the case. I think the temperature swings are what you need to be concerned about. The temp in the tank shouldn't rise or drop but about 2 degrees during the course of the day.
  14. 27mtaylor

    3 year and still in the newbie room

    You may know this already, but keep in mind that you have to have a VHO ballast if you plan on using VHO bulbs. They won't work with normal flouresent lighting.
  15. 27mtaylor

    Is a UV Sterilizer a worthwhile purchase?

    I bought one when I lost all my fish due to Ich. It made me feel more secure knowing that my fish would be better protected when I restocked my tank. It has now been broken for about 2 years and I haven't had the first ich out break. In my opinion I would just quarentine any new fish you...
  16. 27mtaylor

    3 year and still in the newbie room

    I run VHO in my tank, but I don't have any corals or anemones right now. From my understanding, you can keep things like mushrooms, zoo's, bta's, etc. You CAN"T keep the more light demanding corals and anemones.
  17. 27mtaylor

    3 year and still in the newbie room

    VHO= very high output. It is a lot stronger than Normal Output flourescent lighting.
  18. 27mtaylor

    Atlanta fish stores...

    There is one in Buckhead that is pretty good, but I can't remember the name of it.
  19. 27mtaylor

    Putting Faces to the Names

    Here's me and my little buddy.
  20. 27mtaylor

    Anyone From Georgia?

    I live in Covington. Not to far from God's country!!!(AKA Athens)