Search results

  1. 27mtaylor

    UV Sterilizers

    I bought one after I lost all my fish to ich. It made me feel a little more secure about adding fish to my tank. I don't run it anymore. After researching the Ich cycle I feel like a QT tank is more worth my time. A UV sterolizer is only going to kill the ich if it happens to get sucked...
  2. 27mtaylor

    What do you do for a living and thinking of what i should be

    I work for the County's Parks and Recreation Department. Not too bad of a job if you enjoy athletics and recreational programing. We mainly offer youth and adult sports. A coordiators job isn't bad if you don't mind working nights and some weekends. I'm the facilities manager and look after...
  3. 27mtaylor

    ophiura please read

    Originally Posted by usinkit Why not just delete the pictures and not the rest of the thread. I agree too. But I guess they are just trying to keep people from getting offended. (that can't be easy)
  4. 27mtaylor

    some ick questions

    Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but to my understanding to make certain that your fish don't have ich, you would have to QT them for 4-6 weeks (the lifecycle of ich) with out it showing up. Then bring them into your tank. Ich shouldn't be present then. When a fish gets stressed, there immune...
  5. 27mtaylor

    HLLE Recovery Question

    I finally got my hands on a multimeter. I have 1 stray volt in my tank. Is that enough to cause stress to my fish? As far as my tang goes, she is getting fatter from all the food that I have been feeding her. I feed her about 3 - 4 times a day and her diet is consisting of flake food, brine...
  6. 27mtaylor

    Gun Control

    One thing to be concerned about for home protection is that you dont' want a gun that is too powerful because you don't want to shoot the bad guy and the bullet go straight through him, through the the wall and wind up hitting a child or someone else in another room. You want the bullet to...
  7. 27mtaylor

    Gun Control

    I am a hunter myself (not a gun nut). I have no use for a full automatic weapon. When hunting, you aim for the vitals. Ethically you owe it to the animal to take him with the first shot. Occasionally you will make a bad shot. Then you are able to ratchet another round in and try to finish...
  8. 27mtaylor

    spiking nitrates

    What type of substrate do you have(sand, crushed coral...)? Are you possibly overfeeding or overpopulated?
  9. 27mtaylor


    Originally Posted by alyssia I have that test kit also and I think the colors are really hard to distinguish. I won't buy it again. I definately agree with you on that. It is tough to match some of the colors to the test water.
  10. 27mtaylor


    I use a test kit by aquarium pharmasuiticals. It seems to do pretty good.
  11. 27mtaylor

    *I have a question about live rock*

    ARe you going to go ahead an add fish before you add the live rock. If you do, you will want to cure the live rock before you put it in your tank, unless you buy it at the LFS and it doesn't sit out of the water very long. I had a fish only tank for about a year before I added live rock. The...
  12. 27mtaylor

    Bodybuilding advice - please

    Originally Posted by Jmick Thought I’d chime in here and offer some advice. First, get a GYM MEMBERSHIP and work out on quality equipment—it makes a difference, the range of equipment and the different exercises you can do on them is far superior to what you are doing at your friends. On top...
  13. 27mtaylor


    We are only allowed to take 3 bearded birds duing the spring. I've only taken a Jake and that was several years ago. I really want to get a longbeard this year! Duck and Goose is really fun. I have a chocolate lab that I trained to fetch the bird and I enjoy watching her work as much as I do...
  14. 27mtaylor

    hermits or snails

    I use blue leg hermits and turbos. They do a pretty good job. Just keep some extra hermit shells in the tank so that they don't try to kill your snails to get to their shells.
  15. 27mtaylor


    We only have a spring season here... Do y'all have a fall season also? I watched one of those hunting shows on the outdoor channel and I saw where y'all had some real good turkey hunting up that way. I can't wait to get out and try to get one this season. I haven't had a lot to do since deer...
  16. 27mtaylor

    Bodybuilding advice - please

    To actually visually see the results it may take several weeks, like ruaround stated, but to actully be able to push more weight and more reps, you are looking at just a couple of weeks. Of course not all people progress in the same amount of time.
  17. 27mtaylor


    When does turkey season com in in NY? We open up here in the middle of march.
  18. 27mtaylor

    Quick help? Adding Live rock

    Has your tank already cycled? Do you have fish in it? If you are going to use the LR to cycle your tank then all you need to do is give it a rinse in some saltwater (to rinse off anything that might cloud the water) and then add it to your tank. If you already have fish and such in your tank...
  19. 27mtaylor

    can someone help me, whats CC

    I reduced my CC bed to about 1 inch now and my nitrates have dropped from 40 ppm to about 15 ppm. My cleaning crew is getting a little scarce so I think if I add to it, my nitrates will continue to drop. I agree that CC gets a bad rap, but with proper maintenance it can be done successfully.
  20. 27mtaylor


    When I had mine, I had him in the tank with a hippo tang, firefish, percula clown and a few chromises. They did fine toghether. Just make sure you have a real good population of pods so that it doesn't strarve to death.