Search results

  1. janastasio

    My fish is dead...

    If fish are caught with cyanide, it will shorten their life span. Most likely will never know, and I am sure that method of catching is not advertised by the collection company. Sorry for your loss.
  2. janastasio

    Is my coral dying or dead? (pic)

    Are they all the ones sitting on the sand bed? 5 of them?? What kinds of coral were they supposed to be? They certainly do not look very promising, but depending on the coral, some can go thru something like that and still pull through. I have been shipped corals that have arrived DOA and...
  3. janastasio

    Elegence coral

    Elegance coral is very difficult to keep and there are probably very few that actually survive in the home aquarium. I know they require very nutrient richwater (in other words, dirty!), which usually is not possible in an aquarium, with keeping other coral and fish. Your nitrates are...
  4. janastasio

    He looks sad....

    It seems fairly close to your toadstool leather. I have heard that leathers can play some very strong chemical war fare on other corals. Your toadstool leathers looks close enough that it could be stinging it. Other questions would be what kind of lighting you have, size of tank, and what...
  5. janastasio

    updated pics

    sooooooo beautiful....
  6. janastasio

    another hook up but what is this coral?

    So uh..... What did you pay??
  7. janastasio

    Kenya tree

    Your lighting is minimal for the size tank you have. You are getting about 1 watt per gallon. Kenya's are fairly easy and forgiving. It is commen for the kenya to shrivel and then spring back again. Mine will do that every now and again, and they strivel when the lights go out too! There is...
  8. janastasio

    my coral beauty ate $100s worth coral

    Originally Posted by ms3 i cant coming to much i only got him for $10 He was probably eating coral in their tanks too, that might be why he was only $10!
  9. janastasio

    75 Gallon Update, New Pics

    Tank looks great! I personally love the xenia! I have a small plug of it in my tank and it just has not taken off! The type in your tank, I have seen in others tanks and it really seems to grow. I got mine from this site, but it has remained the same size. Suppose most would say thats good...
  10. janastasio

    changing filter on RO/DI

    I need to change my filters and membrane on my RO/DI unit. Havent done this before. On the top tube, where the membrane is, does this generally unscrew to replace the membrane? I tried to get this off to look at it, but could not. Is the top tube replaced as a whole, or does it unscrew and...
  11. janastasio

    You know the term when you are hungry and your eyes are too big for your stomach...

    I will see how my calcium levels go, but it certainly could become a potential!!! Prior to this peice, my calcium is usually high 480's low 500. We shall see how "Frank the tank" affects my params!
  12. janastasio

    You know the term when you are hungry and your eyes are too big for your stomach...

    Originally Posted by FaTcAt HAHA...In the last pic that is the angriest looking clown i have ever seen. LOL! She does look pretty disgruntled! It is a HUGE clown. I guy I got from has had it for 8 years!
  13. janastasio

    You know the term when you are hungry and your eyes are too big for your stomach...

    Its a very big change the tank! Literally! I'm rarely content on my aquascaping. I just redid it after our icestorm troubles in December, and really liked it. I'm looking at it now, and yeah, not so much! Its a beautiful piece. I dont know what specific species it is. Was a little...
  14. janastasio

    You know the term when you are hungry and your eyes are too big for your stomach...

    Self Explanatory!! My husband and I had a good laugh once this beast was in the tank. I think I may have overdone it on this one! Ignore the rest of tank.. Had to rearrange all of my rocks to put my new pieces in, everything is pretty mad at me! Also got a rock with SEVEN bubble tip...
  15. janastasio

    Paly ID Please

    Hard to tell from pic. It looks closed, but looks like a button polyp to me.
  16. janastasio

    my girlfreind dropped a bottle of windex in my tank

    Jeesh, she did it on purpose! Isnt that how serial killers start?? First usually with small animals, then progress onto larger! Could be a boyfriends dog or cat next, then maybe the boyfriend in their sleep! Someone needs some lithium!!! Good luck on your new tank! Hope the next GF is more...
  17. janastasio

    Too many purple mushrooms!!!

    Check with a local pet store, they may be willing to give you store credit for them so that you can buy other corals for your tank! Also post on CL, I bet you might be surprised how many people would pay you for them! You can attach them to small pieces of rubble rock with rubber bands...
  18. janastasio

    New England Frag Farmer 09

    Wahoo, found out the expo I have to do for work is March 7, so I'm good for the 14th. Now I've got to work some Saturdays to get some spending money! Anyone who has been to this before know what average cost generally is for frags. Trying to figure out how much money I need to make before...
  19. janastasio

    My neighbor's wife is getting on him about the cost...

    I 2nd the pigs!!! Reminds of the HBO show Deadwood!
  20. janastasio

    My neighbor's wife is getting on him about the cost...

    This can be switched around too! It drives my husband crazy the cost of fish and coral! But I really enjoy it, along with our cats, chickens, ducks, dogs, and other various critters, of which he has NO interest!! We spend a small fortune in tank and animal stuff! I generally put work bonus's...