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  1. janastasio

    Whoa!! Hydroids!!!!

    Are you sure they are hydroids and not tiny brittles stars? My tank went through a period of time without fish and I had tiny brittle stars coming out of everywhere in the tank! I would see these tiny things on my glass, and they did resemble hydroids but I didnt think that that was actually a...
  2. janastasio

    NH icestorm

    Sorry for your tank losses as well. Its amazing how much you appreciate electric once you have lost it for several days. It is so hard when we have losses with our tanks. Everything in there is certainly replaceable, but the amount of time and the attachments you make to the inhabitants truly...
  3. janastasio

    my new cucumber

    Its HUGE!
  4. janastasio

    NH icestorm

    Thanks! We purchased a bigger and better generator that we will have wired into the electrical box for the next one! The old generator is at a shop. Hopefully they will figure out what is wrong with it so that it can be fixed and sold! Ironically we met someone with the same generator and...
  5. janastasio

    NH icestorm

    Thanks, that is what I figured on doing, just thought someone may have had some experience with this type of leather. My GSP has yet to open. I'm thinking that is also a goner : (
  6. janastasio

    NH icestorm

    leather is the one just to the left of the middle of tank. Thanks!
  7. janastasio

    NH icestorm

    Hello All. I'm in NH where we just had the bad icestorm. Lost power for three days. We had a generator that we had not used yet. Lost power Friday 12am, husband was able to get generator up and running Friday afternoon. Had tank, pellet stove some lamps, ect hooked up to it. We dont have...
  8. janastasio

    My clownfish are spawning right now!!

    Those are great pics! Thanks for sharing!
  9. janastasio

    ID on shrimp/lobster

    Thanks for the pic of the gobies! A goby will be my next fish purchase, although will have to wait until mid December when I go up to this fish store again. I have yet to see this little guy since I put him in! Hopefully he is still alive in there!
  10. janastasio

    ID on shrimp/lobster

    Yes! Randalls pistol shrimp, ie: candy stipe pistol. Once I got the proper ID I released him into the 75. He's been acclimating since about 5:30. The larger tank and the inhabs. were the better place for him! I'm very excited, I got him for $3.99! My best find EVER! The best part is the...
  11. janastasio

    ID on shrimp/lobster

    I think I found it looking on google. Looks like it may be a candy stripe pistol shrimp. I'm going to keep looking!
  12. janastasio

    ID on shrimp/lobster

    Hello!!! I purchased this little guy today. The store said he was a baby lobster that came in as a hitch hiker on some live rock. I think it looks like a pistol shrimp, your thoughts??? I'm trying to decide which tank to put him in. I have a 75 gallon reef, or the 19 gallon with live rock...
  13. janastasio

    compatibility of a sebae clown and false perc clown

    As stated above, what are your thoughts of the compatibility of these two fish. I have 2 tanks set up. I would like to take down my smaller nano tank. That is currently the home of the false perc. The other tank is a 75 gallon tank with a single large sebae clown. It is the only fish in the...
  14. janastasio

    new kittens

    How old are they. Will they keep their blue eyes? ?Maybe possible siamese. Most siamese do not darken until they get older. Also, do they hear ok. I've heard white cats are usually deaf. Cute kitties, good for you!
  15. janastasio

    Sure way to get a grown woman cry

    So uh.......dont drink the water in Georgia?
  16. janastasio

    Crazy Cat Lady Strikes Again !

    This is a pic of our kitten we got on Monday night. Unplanned kittency. I saw an ad in the paper Sunday and managed to give the hubby puppy eyes until he gave in. She is cat #7.
  17. janastasio

    Crazy Cat Lady Strikes Again !

    How many cats do you have? She is very cute!
  18. janastasio

    This lady needs help!!!

    Wow, crazy lady needs some antipsychotics! My husband works nights at PC Connection and he said they usually get one of those calls once about every 2 months(full moon???). I'm surprised that he didnt hang up sooner. As soon as she started swearing and making threats he should have hung up...
  19. janastasio

    Pokemon Diamond and Pearl GTS

    My 9yo daughter is big into the Pokemon thing. I will have to ask her if there is any cards she is looking for.
  20. janastasio

    couple new kid pics :)

    Oh, so almost like a May-May! I like it. My coworkers neice and nephew call their grandparents Meemo and Beepop! I think its so cute. My kids have it fairly boring, grammy, grandpa and a poppop and a nana!