Search results

  1. janastasio

    Can I add a clown?

    Is your clown fish a false percula clown fish? There are several species that look like "nemo". The main thing is that when you get your new clown fish, keep it in the same family. Also, when you purchase the new clown fish, make sure it is a little smaller than the one you already have. A...
  2. janastasio


    ? Batik starfish?? Do not know if they are reef safe. I tried to google them, but there is not much information on them. Looked like from a few posts that they may not be. This site sells them, take a look at the pic and see if they match up!
  3. janastasio


    What kind of lighting do you have and how long has your tank been established?
  4. janastasio

    New Creature In Tank!!! Please Help

    Do a search on aiptasia and see if your hitchhiker looks like it. These are a nuisance anemone and need to be taken care of before they become a problem. Otherwise without a picture it is hard to tell. Welcome to the boards.
  5. janastasio

    My first reef.

    beautiful tank, I like the way you have your rock set up. Your corals all look wonderful and happy!
  6. janastasio

    Updated Pics

    very nice tank! Everyone and everything in it look very happy. Happy New Year!
  7. janastasio

    UPDATE ON MY 45g mixed reef 1 1/2 year mark=]

    Great pics, you have alot of stuff in there! I'm always a sucker for the gobies!
  8. janastasio

    nuked my tank :(

    Thats great news! In case you are ever in this area, there is a GREAT fish store in Salem NH. It is 99.9 percent saltwater and I would say 80% of that is coral. They have tanks and tanks of coral, every kind you can think of. It is prob a bit of a ways from you but incase you are ever...
  9. janastasio

    Pics of my 75

    Thankyou, and do you say to leave molt in tank for the shrimps purpose or is there another reason??
  10. janastasio

    Pics of my 75

    That was his molt, I had not removed it yet!
  11. janastasio

    Pics of my 75

    full tank shot
  12. janastasio

    Pics of my 75

    Added a couple of new rocks and black clown (juvi) and a mandarin goby. Figured I would post a few pics! New rocks are in the front with the GSP and GSP w/ yellow zoos. Got a great deal on them, one is huge!
  13. janastasio

    nuked my tank :(

    I dont blame you on waiting. Corals can be very surprising in their hardiness. I still have some things coming back after out power outage ordeal. Those star polyps are opening more and more each day. I pegged them for goners after a week of not opening, but low and behold! Congrats on the...
  14. janastasio

    copepod tank

    Well, I'm hoping that being in there own separte tank will help with that. There will be nothing to prey on them. I have pods in my system right now, just trying to plan ahead. Maybe I will put an online order in JIC. Thanks!
  15. janastasio

    nuked my tank :(

    Nice socks! Hope some of your stuff recovers. If you want to get some of your star polyps back from me, let me know!
  16. janastasio

    copepod tank

    They are tigger pods. Didnt even think about the fact that there might be different types of pods. Are these ok for the mandarin??
  17. janastasio

    copepod tank

    Couple of quick questions. I drove 2 hours today to purchase copepods from a pet store. I dont have much around me, so I had to drive a good distance. I have 19 gallon established tank with one clown fish, live sand and live rock in it. I am drip acclimating the clown to my larger mostly...
  18. janastasio

    Wanting to set up a fuge

    Thanks for the reply. I was thinking of doing this because my husband (very sweet, but unknowing) drove two hours to a pet store and bought me a mandarin fish. I recently lost all of my fish and alot of coral to a massive power outage from an icestorm. My tank is quite established and does...
  19. janastasio

    Husband bought me a mandarin-yikes

    Husband surprised me yesterday with a piece of coral and mandarin goby. He is somewhat familiar with some species of fish from prev. fish I have had in the tank and knew they required live food. He bought me a bag of live brine shrimp (this is what the pet store gave him). My tank is a 75...
  20. janastasio

    Wanting to set up a fuge

    I have toyed with this idea before, and once again I am back to it. I have a 75 gallon tank, and sort of a strange design to it. Water is about 5 inches below actual top of tank and it is not made to have the water be higher. There are holes drilled on each side at the tops for cords to feed...