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  1. mccanei

    How to properly move porcupine puffer

    how long ten minute intervals everyday until it goesw away?
  2. mccanei

    Cleaner fish

    Originally Posted by ophiura If you are having an ick outbreak, then a wrasse is not your solution. Y ou must find out what is going on. 1) wrasse have poor survival rates and 2) they can not beat out a severe outbreak of ick. If you have a problem in the tank, then you need to address the...
  3. mccanei

    NOTICE: porcupine puffer owners

    I was wondering how you all move these great fish from tank to tank? MIne is 7" and I need to move it asap. Net? Bucket? Additionally I have always wondered how unhealthy it is for puffers to puff up?
  4. mccanei

    How to properly move porcupine puffer

    Anyone? The reason I ask this is becasue I am currently in the middle of an ammonia spike in my 145 gallon tank and mty puffer and clown trigger have developed a fast attacking ick. I don't want to treat my 145 becasue it is still cycling and I have all my LR in there. I was thinking of...
  5. mccanei

    How to properly move porcupine puffer

    What is the best method for moving 7" porcupine puffer? Can you net them?
  6. mccanei

    Cleaner fish

    How affective are cleaner wrasse in treating ick? After a fish develops ick will it help to add a cleaner wrasse, or does it work better to prevent ick? Are there any cleaner fish large and hardy enough to add to live amongst 7" porcupine puffer and 4" clown trigger?
  7. mccanei

    Substrate question

    Is crushed coral a poor substrate? In some of these strings I have heard people allleging of adverse afffects of crushed coral.
  8. mccanei

    Water Flow: When is too much bad?

    Anyone have a clue? Because Right now I have a clown trigger and porcupine puffer in a 145 and they are continually swimming to stay in place. Is this bad?
  9. mccanei

    biggest tank jump?

    Make sure to keep a QT/HT. It is too hard to treat a tank that size especially when you have live rock and/or corals.
  10. mccanei

    Water Flow: When is too much bad?

    Can too much movement/currrent in a tank be bad? How do you know if you have too much ?
  11. mccanei

    State of Emergency

    Will perfroming these water changes stifle the cycling of the tank?
  12. mccanei

    State of Emergency

    I have had a FOWLR up and running for 4 months. Three weeeks ago I lost all my fish to parasites and secondary ailments. I let my tank run fish free w 2 hermit crabs for 3 weeks to let parasites die off. Figuring the tank retained some beneficial bacteria I restocked w 2 fish 6" porcupine...
  13. mccanei

    ANy suggstions to future tankmates of porcupine puffer + Clown trigger

    thanks for your time and info... Any other success stories?
  14. mccanei

    ANy suggstions to future tankmates of porcupine puffer + Clown trigger

    I have a 145 with a 6 inch porcupine puffer and a 4 inch clown trigger. Any suggestions to commpatible tank mates. Has anyone had success adding mates to a clown trigger's tank? I currently have a smaller tank with a heniokus butterfly which I would love to add some day. I would also like to...
  15. mccanei

    Yellow tang with black spots

    My fish ahd ick so I treated with hyposalinity. During that time my Yellow Tang developed a number of black spots about the size of ick. I treated with melafix for three days to help relieve stress. I additionally treated tank with stop ick. Ick subsided, but Yellow tan still has black...
  16. mccanei

    Yellow tang with black spots

    My fish ahd ick so I treated with hyposalinity. During that time my Yellow Tang developed a number of black spots about the size of ick. I treated with melafix for three days to help relieve stress. I additionally treated tank with stop ick. Ick subsided, but Yellow tan still has black...
  17. mccanei

    R all fish tolerable of hyposalinity

    What are pods? Wil they respond to the Hypo treatment?
  18. mccanei

    R all fish tolerable of hyposalinity

    I just read other threads and see that ich is only affectively killed in the free-floating stages and will take up to a month. Now I am wondering what stage the ick is that I see moving around on the glass? The seem to be thriving even at a 1.009 salinity.
  19. mccanei

    R all fish tolerable of hyposalinity

    I am using a hydrometer, I measured the ph yesterday and it was 8.3. Will the hyposalinity essentially rid my tank of all parasites? How long can the parasites thrive in a lowered salinity?
  20. mccanei

    R all fish tolerable of hyposalinity

    I am in a hyposalininty treatment phase and my Koran Angel's slimecoat looks whiter than normal. The salinity has been lowered over a 3 day period to 1.085 an dit has been lowered for 3 days. I still notice tiny white parasites on my dogface puffer and my Koran Angel is itching more than...