Search results

  1. mccanei

    Emperor angel diet?

    Will thse foods fully adequately supplement the sponge diet of a mature angel?
  2. mccanei

    Emperor angel diet?

    What do you all feed your angels to keep them in tip top shape? How much sponge must an adult emperor eat?
  3. mccanei

    Help! Leaking Sump

    Thanks, I just made the order... Just to be clear I will be able to refill my sump 30 minutes after applying IPS Weld-on? Or do I have to let it cure after it dries?
  4. mccanei

    Help! Leaking Sump

    Today i noticed water pooling around the base of my sump. I mopped it up only to find it return. Throuh deduction I have concluded the leak must be coming from a hairline crack in th sump. I have an acrylic or plexi sump. Just wondering if it possible to repair this crack, or will my entire...
  5. mccanei

    Would these 2 guys be compatible?

    I currnetly have a 4" clown trigger with a 7" porcupine puffer. I only bought this clown becasue he lived in a small tank with the puffer at the LFS. I knew he had a good temperament and it was worth the risk. The fish currently reside in a 145 and get a long quite well. Last week I added a...
  6. mccanei

    HELP! White cottony substance all over fish?

    Today he has accelerated breathing approx 120/minute. Is it posssible for hardier species like triggers to be slowly affcted by velvet or brooklynella? Anyone?
  7. mccanei

    HELP! White cottony substance all over fish?

    upon furhter observation the clown is still eating, and active but the white cottony substance is slightly stringy in places andthe fish is scraping on objects. Is there a chance it is brooklynella?
  8. mccanei

    HELP! White cottony substance all over fish?

    Originally Posted by SCSInet This looks like environmental stress. It looks a little like velvet but your fish wouldn't be active, eating, or breathing normally if velvet was that established on the body. Your nitrates are way too high. Do a big water change... 20%-30%. You can also use a...
  9. mccanei

    HELP! White cottony substance all over fish?

    Originally Posted by SCSInet More information needed! 1. List all water parameters... as many as you have test kits for. AM: 0 Ni: 0 Na: 40 PH: 8.2 2. Is your fish eating? Yes- Pellets, shrimp from grocer, clam from LFS 3. What is his behavior? Active? Listless? Lethargic? He is still...
  10. mccanei

    HELP! White cottony substance all over fish?

    My clown trigger developed some fin rot during a bout with ick. I started hypo almost down to 1.009 except now he seems to have white cottny film covering majority of body. Not sure if it fungal or bacterial infecion, or how to treat. I was thinking melafix pimafix combination? Anyone have...
  11. mccanei

    Surge Wrasse

    Has anyone ever owned one? Or have any info?
  12. mccanei

    Affects of phosphates?

    Anyone else have an opinion about phosphates?
  13. mccanei

    multiple treatements at once

    Originally Posted by Beth Both are pretty much a waste of time. Why don't your treat both with hyposalinity? Beth, let me inform you of my predicament. I am treating a 6" porc puffer and a 4" clown trigger in my 145 FOWLR. I have a 37 tall setup at all times for QT/HT That is occupied by 7"...
  14. mccanei

    Ick and Pepper base medicine.

    I am interested in knowing more about Kent RxP. My LFS said it was reef safe and noted that i should alternate daily treatments with Kent Poly Ox. Additionally does anyone know if you can dose Kent RxP w/o a skimmer ?
  15. mccanei

    multiple treatements at once

    Just wante to pick everyone's brain about treating mulyiple treatments at once.... I am treatig ick with stop parasite but would also like to treat fin rot with melafix at same time. Not sure if this is safe?
  16. mccanei

    Affects of phosphates?

    What are the detrimental affects of high phosphate levels on fish or overall water quality? I know they contribute to algae growth like nitrates, but i have also heard they can hurt fish. If this is true why aren't phosphates tested along with ammonia, nitrites, an nitrates?
  17. mccanei

    Anyone ever own a Surge Wrasse?

    I recently bought a surge wrasse, currenntly in quaratine... Just wondering if anyone has ever kept one alone or in agressive community... I would just like to hear some experiences... I know they get big, but damn are they beautiful fish! Any info would be great.
  18. mccanei

    Porc puffer habits

    I have a porc puffer that has an appetite like no other. Until recently he was always active swimming the length of my 145 w/ his only tankmate a clown trigger. After an ick infestation he has become slightly lethargic, yet eats like a pig. If i walk in the room he is at times sitting on a...
  19. mccanei

    ick treatment safe for live rock?

    It is mostly on the fins of the my porcupine puffer with some on his eyes. My clown trigger has a few white specks on him. The fish are still aggressively eating but the Porc Puffer is acting a little more lethargic lately. WHat I am most concerned with is the aggression my clown trigger...
  20. mccanei

    cleaner fish in aggressive tanks?

    Has anyone had success adding small cleaner wrassse to agressive tanks? I would like to add one to my tank. 145 FOWLR 6" puffer 4" clown trigger. Not sure if this is possible.