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  1. mccanei

    Has anyone used Mangroves as Filter

    Cool, that was the answer I hoping to hear. What sort of lighting system do you need to provide? The reason I ask is becasue I want to add them to my sump under my tank and I am certain I will need to add a supplemetal lighting system.
  2. mccanei

    Has anyone used Mangroves as Filter

    I have been thinking about using mangroves to help manage the nitrates in my 145 FOWLR. Does anyone have an opinion on Mangrove filtration?
  3. mccanei

    $400 in glass and one monster task

    This is all so intriguing! I was wondering how one would go about cutting a 1/2" piece of acrylic? And what type of bonding agent would you use?
  4. mccanei

    Ick predicament

    Just noticed that all my fish have a form of Ick ( 5" dogface puffer, 5" Yellow tang, 2.5" Niger trigger, 4" Koran Angel"). They are in a 145 FOWLR. Yet, I have a qaurantine tank, that is 37 gallons. I was thinking of moving all the fish to the 37 gallon and treating with some medicine. If...
  5. mccanei

    Hyposalinity treatment

    Great guys, thanks for the info
  6. mccanei

    Hyposalinity treatment

    Current fish are: 4" Koran Angel, 5"Yellow Tang, 2" half & half dwarf angel, 5" dogace puffer, 2.5" Niger trigger, and 2 Hermit crabs. Current Diet: Lifeline minced Krill, Lifeline herbivore minced, I occasionally add diced fresh marine shrimp for my puffer, purchased from my grocer. Very...
  7. mccanei

    dwarf angels

    Is it feasible to think that I can keep 2 or 3 dwarf anfgels in a 145 FOWLR? Does anyone have an opinion as to what are the most docile dwarf angels? FIsh I currently have dogface puffer, Koran Angel, half and half dwarf angel yellow tang, and niger trigger. Ironically the dwarf angel, which...
  8. mccanei

    Puffer fish

    I currently have a 6-inch dogface puffer and two 2.5" shelled hermit crabs in a 145 gallon. As long as you keep your puffer adequately fed I don't believe he will go after the hermit crabs.
  9. mccanei

    Hyposalinity treatment

    I do have live rock and sand that aren't showing any signs of being alive. Could I instead treat the itching fish with medicated foods, if so any reccomendations. Also I am noticing my Koran angel is suffering from HLLE, what is the best nutrioinal plan this? As for the the hyposalinity...
  10. mccanei

    Hyposalinity treatment

    I have notived a number of my fish starting to itch themselves against rocks. I have a 145 gallon FOWLR, and was thinking about applying hyposalinity treatment becasue I have too many fish to treat in my QT tank. Is this an intelligent way of reacting to multiple fish itching themselves...
  11. mccanei

    Multiple fish refusing to eat and dying, HELP!

    Thanks for the response... I was wondering if one could remove all those chemicals in the tap by letting the tap water aerate in buckets for a while? I am not currently adding anything to my 145 FOWLR aquarium. Are there "doses" you would reccomend adding to this aquarium, and for what...
  12. mccanei

    Multiple fish refusing to eat and dying, HELP!

    trying to post images but cna't figure out how. Does anyone have a clue?
  13. mccanei

    Multiple fish refusing to eat and dying, HELP!

    [I]What do you dose If I am understanding this correctly I have not added any medications yet, my LFS thought it was an acclimation thing, where the fish would eventually eat. He is actively swimming around, but only to escape pestering from my dwarf angel. Now I notice white marks on him...
  14. mccanei

    Multiple fish refusing to eat and dying, HELP!

    A few months back my tomato clown stopped eating, became lethargic, withered away to skin and bones and eventually died. I assumed he was stressed out becasue I had small tank that was being out grown with other fish. Since then I bought a 145 gallon to accomodate the growing fish ( 4" Koran...