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  1. cartman101

    Champlain Monster taped!!

    Originally Posted by socal57che How long do sea turtles live? Some trees here in CA are over a thousand years old. Yes it's possible. And nobody said it's the same one each time. Maybe each lake has three or four. Maybe they are eaten by Yeti fishermen (fisherthings?) when nobody's...
  2. cartman101

    Upgrading to Larger Tank will it Cycle again?

    Had a 55gal and upgraded to a 125gal. If you use all your water,rocks, and sand there shouldn't really be a cycle. There will be a small amount of ammonia because you stirred up your sand bed. Let it all set for a week and it should be done. It will be like a big water change. My 125gal cycled...
  3. cartman101

    YEAH!!! I am the master of sumps!!

    Originally Posted by SaltFan Were you using a 1/4" piece of line to suck the air out of the u-line? Sounds as if you were doing it right. You can get rid of your 400 if you are going to use some sor tof bio material in the sump, other than that , do you have room for the 400 on the side of the...
  4. cartman101

    YEAH!!! I am the master of sumps!!

    Originally Posted by Cartman101 I was practicing with the overflow on how to get the U-Tubes to start flowing the water. I took a airline tube and put it in the U-Tube and begone to suck the air out but it didn't start the water to flow. Any opinons on what I should do? Where should the tubing...
  5. cartman101

    bottom dwelling aggressives?

    Lions are sort of bottom-dwellers.
  6. cartman101

    YEAH!!! I am the master of sumps!!

    I was practicing with the overflow on how to get the U-Tubes to start flowing the water. I took a airline tube and put it in the U-Tube and begone to suck the air out but it didn't start the water to flow. Any opinons on what I should do? Where should the tubing be? And yes both compartments...
  7. cartman101

    Coraline Algae!!!!

    Originally Posted by Jerthunter I know when I used Instant Ocean I did not get much coraline growth but I figured that was because I had low calcium levels but you said yours was about 450 which sounds about right. Have you ever had coraline in your tanK? Perhaps it just needs to be...
  8. cartman101

    How much CC for 125 gallon?

    I dont remember what I used but that seem about right. Go to your lfs and ask. I think I used somewhere around there.
  9. cartman101

    Least aggressive Triggerfish: Niger or Pinktail?

    Originally Posted by MILE_HIGH I have never kept a pinktail , But I can say my niger is a big sissy. He will shoot into the rocks if you walk up to the tank to fast . Mine does to lol. He doesn't even bother the snails or crabs.
  10. cartman101

    Its Saturday!!!!!

    I don't know what this is about but I'll goin in too!
  11. cartman101

    bamboo shark

    Ok ok break it up. I<3Fish, JR is just a kid let him go on it. And JR, reread post before you respond.
  12. cartman101

    How much CC for 125 gallon?

    none. Its that easy Go get sand instead because cc will trap detritus (sp?) and make the nitrates rise.
  13. cartman101

    YEAH!!! I am the master of sumps!!

    Anyone got anymore advice before I start?
  14. cartman101

    New set-up 210 gallons

    Love the goldentail!
  15. cartman101

    YEAH!!! I am the master of sumps!!

    Will I beable to get rid of my emporer 400? I got 20gals, would that work for filling up the 30?
  16. cartman101

    favorite ammusement park

    Mimzy, WAY to go for voting f0r that park! Someday I hope to visit ceder point, sounds awesome.
  17. cartman101

    I am in LOVE

    He/she is beautiful! Nice find.
  18. cartman101

    YEAH!!! I am the master of sumps!!

    Originally Posted by crimzy I assume you're talking about the hole in the output piece to prevent back-syphoning. The hole can be just under the water line or just above as long as the water won't be shooting out of the tank. ((Keep in mind that the level where the hole is drawn, that is how...
  19. cartman101

    YEAH!!! I am the master of sumps!!

    Thankyou "crimzy". Yup I should have pics when the whole thing is working. And I drill the hole right underneith the waterline correct, just want to check my work.
  20. cartman101

    Any hunters these pics are not for the weak stomach

    Originally Posted by AW2 Deer meat is absolutely delicious!!! It's also half the fat and sodium of the meat from cattle. Its not the first day of April yet.