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  1. cartman101

    no foam

    Did you just recently get it? Don't worry its going through its cycling process like you stated. Theres not suppose to be foam untill about 2-3 weeks after you get it possibly a month.
  2. cartman101

    YEAH!!! I am the master of sumps!!

    Just to add on, the lfs guy said to fill the tank 3/4 full. So that would be about 25gal full?
  3. cartman101

    favorite ammusement park

    Originally Posted by ruaround 6 Flags Over Atlanta...or Silver Dollar City... Sorry I gotta say silver dollar is boring.......BUT i do like going there for the homemade taffy . My favorite park is Islands of Adventure at Universal.
  4. cartman101

    YEAH!!! I am the master of sumps!!

    Well yesterday we went to pick up a 30gal tank and we (me &dad) cut the glass and glued it. So the sump should be up and running in a few days. AND I WILL TAKE SOME PICS! I have no question at all about the sump they were all answered at the LFS that I had to drive 85miles to. :cheer: :cheer...
  5. cartman101

    Coraline Algae!!!!

    Thats what mine looks like! My tank has been setup for about 3 months untill i started getting the growth. Guess my tank is on steriods huh lol.
  6. cartman101

    Any full size Nigers/6 in.+??

    I have one. He's about 4in though.
  7. cartman101

    What's the coolest hitch hiker you found?

    Mine would be a sea urchin.
  8. cartman101

    Champlain Monster taped!!

    Ok but what if that was actully a prehistoric fish? That would be pretty cool. But heres some things to consider that this "Monster" could not be a "monster" and just a hoax: 1) Are there any bones in the water from when they have died? 2) People have seen 2 of these "creatures", one in new york...
  9. cartman101

    Very confused on pvc fittings

    Originally Posted by Dogstar Are you trying to make a return spout. Like over the top U shape and drill the anti sypnon hole in. Trying to figure out what your makeing befor we can yell you what fittings you need. Cant read your mind but Im trying real hard to. :) Yup! Sorry I made this post...
  10. cartman101

    Very confused on pvc fittings

    I have a 3/4'' airline tubing I believe, but i will double check on that. But what kind of pvc will I need i know theres many brands out there.
  11. cartman101

    Very confused on pvc fittings

    ok so barb fittings, got it. Now what kind of pvc fitting do I need? Anyone got some pics of theirs?
  12. cartman101

    Very confused on pvc fittings

    I need a pvc fitting to fit the airline tubing that goes into the tank, the piece to drill a hole. What kind do I need and what do they look like. Oh and how the heck are the suppose to fit together (pvc and the tubing). Thanks
  13. cartman101


    Originally Posted by MoneyMan Women are like ...Tangs ..... They are friendly .... but get aggressive when having to compete. Women are like ...Hermit Crabs .... They always have to search for that perfect outfit. Women are like ...Lighting ... They are perfect at first, but eventually needs to...
  14. cartman101

    Do you take a shower/bath in the morning or at night

    WOW you got weird questions Jr. Actully I shower when I wake up and then a hour before bed.
  15. cartman101

    125 gallon

    Well it depends on the puffer. What type of dogface you looking at?
  16. cartman101

    Is the weather making you misable?

    Originally Posted by lovethesea if I can't be in shorts and barefeet (or flip flops) I am generally not too happy. And its been below zero. So that gives you a general idea. Thursday afternoon we went through 3 seasons in a matter of 20 minutes. :scared: 74 degrees humid all day, 2:50 p.m...
  17. cartman101

    Is the weather making you misable?

    Well we got at least 6'' of snow and right now its raining frozen rain. And today I was suppose to get my sump!!!! So is the weather playing apart in your day? :notsure:
  18. cartman101

    Bad Info on Min tank Size

    Barracudas shouldn't be kept in aquariums. These are one fish that need SWIM ROOM. The babys can be kept in a 200gal but when they start getting big, dont start thinking about upgrading, start thinking about the ocean. :thinking:
  19. cartman101

    Mag-Drive 700

    Yea I got a 5' too. But will it last me till June?
  20. cartman101

    Mag-Drive 700

    Well I took back the rio pump and got the biggest return pump at the lfs in what they had, which was a Mag-Drive 7. So do you all think this would be ok kind of pump?