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  1. cartman101

    heres the naso

    May I ask how much you paid for the shark?
  2. cartman101

    Picture Game

    Hmmm....interesting ( sort of blur your eyes)
  3. cartman101

    steelers or seahawks

    i dont care who wins.......atleast denver lost
  4. cartman101

    $5 on Seattle

    $1,000,000 on seahawks.....
  5. cartman101

    125 gallon FO START UP

  6. cartman101


    Nah, I hate the panthers. Dont go panthers!
  7. cartman101


    I dont care if the steelers win the super bowl......I'm just glad they beat denver! :hilarious
  8. cartman101

    Shark compadibility

    Who gives a crap STEELERS WON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. cartman101


    Take That Denver!!! Jake took a plum down the mountain!
  10. cartman101


    yea, denver is versing pittsberg. Heres who is going to the super bowl: Steelers and seahawks are going.....seahawks will take all.
  11. cartman101

    new pics of my baby Nala

    Yeah, you have more then a year
  12. cartman101

    shy Niger

    Originally Posted by AW2 You'll hear the grunting sounds soon enough. Triggers grunt when they're angry, hungry, while they're eating...they do it alot. So someday I'm going to hear my niger make noises???? SWEEEET! My trigger is extremely boring. When do they start making the sounds, and are...
  13. cartman101

    Shark compadibility

    DrewCo, I'm going to have to agree/ disagree with AW2. What AW2 said is correct, triggers and puffers do have a tendency to pick at the sharks eyes or fins. Though there are some other triggers and puffers that can be kept with sharks. I wouldn't put a shark in with a picasso trigger or a porc...
  14. cartman101

    How do I properly feed my lion fish?

    Yimmy, 1) Possibly. Theres a good chance it could be a problem if you get stung. 2)YES Dwarfs dont get big at all, 7in max, some get up to be 4in.
  15. cartman101


    Denver is loosing big time!!!!!!!!!! Little pay back Denver for beating up on the Patriots. The Pats have a little curse, who ever beats them will not win their next game. How does it feel now denver? :hilarious
  16. cartman101

    stingray question

    Originally Posted by jr2857 why? :notsure: I was going to try to help you out but forget it now.......
  17. cartman101

    Do any of you have mangroves in your fuge?

    cool! Sounds good then.
  18. cartman101

    Do any of you have mangroves in your fuge?

    Originally Posted by CELACANTHr know the rules :-P BUT you will often find people in the trading section willing to give you the chaeto if you pay for shipping, or you could try and buy stuff from [hr] . Oh yea the rules....... How do the people ship the algae in complete...
  19. cartman101

    age poll

    Originally Posted by lepete give up? you can juggle fish and girls at the same time.
  20. cartman101

    new pics of my baby Nala

    Beautiful shark! how big was she when she hatched?