Search results

  1. cartman101

    Do any of you have mangroves in your fuge?

    Are there any sites that sell chaeto?
  2. cartman101

    Do any of you have mangroves in your fuge?

    I need some info about them. I would love to put some in my fuge. And what are the best plants for fuges?
  3. cartman101

    age poll

    16. Junior in highschool (Man I cant wait for next year....wait no I dont because then I have to give up my fish)
  4. cartman101

    stocking a 180 FOWLR

    Originally Posted by fishboy091 are you kidding? or are you being serious? where would i get those? could a purple tang go in with those? what order should i add the fish in? No I'm not kidding. Damsels will start to terrorize your other fish you start to add in the tank and its not that...
  5. cartman101

    stingray question

    jr2857, email me at or if you have AIM contact me by CartmanTheShark.
  6. cartman101

    Dont know where to put this but.....(macros algaes)

    So you put the styrofoam underneith the sand?
  7. cartman101

    What happen to the story of that couple found dead

    I belive they got electrocuted while cleaning their tank :notsure:
  8. cartman101

    Thought this was a neat pic

    HAHA looks like some War of the Worlds thing
  9. cartman101

    stingray question

    Originally Posted by jr2857 last there is 75/25 shark to aggressive tank i want to get so i met not get a shark tank Can you restate that again? Go so I'm sorry for calling you a little kid but please under stand what you are getting in to. No one is telling you that you cant get a shark...
  10. cartman101

    stingray question

    Originally Posted by jr2857 i don't plan on keeping like black tips or something. probably a bamboo. Blacktip, horn sharks, bamboo, banded, and even coral need years for researching up on.
  11. cartman101

    stingray question

    Originally Posted by jr2857 well they can supply the money if i get into some real advanced class in school. So whats that mean to me? Do you know that you will make it in the advance classes? I dont think schools are going to give you money to help with your lil fishies, they will however give...
  12. cartman101

    stingray question

    jr2857, I can see your only 12 and probably in 5th or 6th grade. IMO I really dont think that young of a kid should try sharks, wait untill you get more advance class(chemistry, biology, physics,ect). You aren't going to need months of research....your going to need YEARS! Money is the biggest...
  13. cartman101

    Dont know where to put this but.....(macros algaes)

    I would like some info on Mangroves. What do I need to feed them, will they just feed on the nitrates? Are they hard to care for? What are some excellent macros to put inside of a fuge? Thanks! And is there anything I need to feed the macros/plants?
  14. cartman101

    stocking a 180 FOWLR

    Dont put a damsel in! Run the tank with cocktail shrimp to start the cycle.
  15. cartman101

    Marineland Emperor 400

    I got this thing too. Its ok. The best part is running carbon in it. The filters will just produce your nitrates. Someday I hope to get rid of it....
  16. cartman101


    we will see..... But i bet you $100 that the trigger wont bother the lion :thinking:
  17. cartman101


    I was just joking LOL
  18. cartman101

    Want the BEST HOB skimmer

    Turboflotor is suppose to be good but I had my skimmer make very annoying noises.
  19. cartman101


    Ok guys thanks alot. I believe i will skip the parrot! LOL Lion_Crazz, I have a v.lion with a niger trigger and no problems. SO in your FACE! Lol
  20. cartman101

    Marine Biology Debates/ethics
