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  1. cartman101

    Injured ray

    crimzy, WOW! I'm sorry this happend! You have a snowflake eel right? It may have been the shark, but could of had been the eel :thinking: I dont know But I'm sure everything will be fine.
  2. cartman101

    20gal long sump question

    how many gallons of water should i fill up the sump?
  3. cartman101

    New Shark

    Originally Posted by AW2 I've actually never heard of Chiloscyllium Griseum. Could you please email me and let me know where you got him? Myself and a few friends are opening a fish store and I'm starting the 8' x 3 x 30" lagoon today. Chiloscyllium Griseum would be perfect...
  4. cartman101

    Aggressive eel

    Originally Posted by AW2 Unfortunately, so such eel exists. Large teeth mean fish eaters and/or aggressive species. Fimbriated Morays will eat anything and everything, in a tank...even fish that are big enough you'd never think they could be eaten...and, it'll also eat other Eels. I know someone...
  5. cartman101

    I need to point out something that I just saw that ticked me off I just now saw this. What is that? :notsure: Can no one on this site take a joke? I cant believe you think I'm racist. Sorry Mods but i couldn't let that go. BTW, robPSca, i can see you can never take a joke and I'm not from missouri...
  6. cartman101

    is V-Day a guys holiday or a girls? or both?

    Originally Posted by Bang Guy Hallmark Holiday. :hilarious Hey your right.
  7. cartman101

    Beginner Sharks

    Yeah I believe your 100% right. No I'm not going to flame you but if I did I wouldn't be mad
  8. cartman101

    You call this mating????

    Jr, Dont you think your a little to young to see that stuff? :thinking:
  9. cartman101

    Beginner Sharks

    Originally Posted by connor OMG OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU DONT KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT SHARKS STOP TELLIN PEOPLE BAD INFORMATION. in the last thread you did this you got flamed by half the site, aw2 and crimzy told you that they can grow 12+ inches in a year from when they first hatch! Actully he...
  10. cartman101

    Beginner Sharks

    Guys I have a question. When you all say that your shark grew 12''+ in a year what have you been feeding it???? I was emailing a shark biologist who works at a aquarium and he told me that the average a shark grows in a year is about anywhere from 3-5''. NOTE: this is not every shark, we were...
  11. cartman101

    Is this normal for a volitan lion?

    Thats odd. All my other lions never did it, then again every fish is not the same.
  12. cartman101

    overflow ?

    ok. And tie it with a rubber band? Is a rubber band safe for saltwater?
  13. cartman101

    overflow ?

    How do I make the overflow "eel" proof? I'm worried that my eel will go into the overflow. Thanks.
  14. cartman101

    What Do I Do????????????????

    I believe that when the sea cuke dies it releases toxins into the tank.
  15. cartman101

    Is this normal for a volitan lion?

    Well out of all the lions I have had, this lion i have now seems down in the dumps. He's always laying on the sand. Right now he's laying on the sand staring at a rock, he's been doing this for quite some time now. But when I come to the glass he comes right to me and when i go away he goes back...
  16. cartman101

    WOW! I just took some pictures.

    ttp:// ok its not working
  17. cartman101

    WOW! I just took some pictures.

    WOW That pic sucks! But if its what u guys want......
  18. cartman101

    WOW! I just took some pictures.

    Got some problems. 1)they are 2 big how can i shrink them 2) i thought the digital camra would work good.....guess i was fooled.
  19. cartman101

    aggressive 25 gal

    Debbie, I think a 25gal should work out good for a agressive tank (i dont mean work out awesome, i mean you can get agressive fish into the tank). Everyone was talking about fuzzy dwarf lion i however dont think a fuzzy is suitable for that tank BUT did anyone say Fu Manchu Lion? I definitly...
  20. cartman101

    shark lagoon

    Originally Posted by jr2857 cartman you got 1 more year to adore your tank before you go to college ***) AY! Respect ma authoritaw!