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  1. cartman101

    Going to Order in the next three hours...need your help.

    ok this sump thing is looking easy now after looking at melevsreef. Where does the tube that runs from the overflow go in the sump? Right above the water, in the water, what section?
  2. cartman101


    Eels dont really need any certain kinds of fish. If you have fish that will get eaten by a eel then dont have that fish in your tank, ex. green moray and a clownfish will not mix. Eels need to feel secure and you MUST have some hiding spots in your tank, my eels loves his rocks. Eels are a...
  3. cartman101

    Going to Order in the next three hours...need your help.

    Some people told me my pump will not work and that i will need a slightly larger one. And I'm still frustrated with the plumbing, people say i need a ball valve, what is a ball valve and where does it go??????? Everyone shows their pics of their sumps they have all this plumbing stuff which...
  4. cartman101

    Going to Order in the next three hours...need your help.

    I was just doing some calculating with my money about the sump. I just remember I need a new heater and a new bulb which is going to suck some money way from me This is why I need that HOB fuge.....I have the money for something. When my birthday comes up in june I will ask for some money for...
  5. cartman101

    Going to Order in the next three hours...need your help.

    then how does a sump overflow then?
  6. cartman101

    Hey jr2857 post your pics!

    I ALWAYS see you saying post your pics of this fish. Well how come you never post pics of YOUR fish?
  7. cartman101

    Going to Order in the next three hours...need your help.

    buts if its in the 980-1017 range will it definitly overflow the sump?
  8. cartman101

    Going to Order in the next three hours...need your help.

    and if its to slow? What about a Quiet One 4000? Rated for 1017gph
  9. cartman101

    Going to Order in the next three hours...need your help.

    So I'm going to have to buy a $115 pump? Thats little more then 1/2 my money spent!
  10. cartman101

    Going to Order in the next three hours...need your help.

    I dont know what size over flow it is. crimzy can u tell me what size it is? I have a rio 2500 will that work for the return pump, do i need bigger? Are Rios any good?
  11. cartman101

    Going to Order in the next three hours...need your help.

    Originally Posted by crimzy I'm not familiar with all the equipment out there. I'd just get something in the neighborhood of 1200-2000gph that's reasonably priced. Ask the lfs for recommendation. 1200-2000 gotta remember that. Now when you said 1200, will a maxi-jet 1200 work?
  12. cartman101

  13. cartman101

    Going to Order in the next three hours...need your help.

    This might not be as bad is it sounds! BUT PLEASE TELL ME WHAT RETURN PUMP I NEED.WHAT DO YOU RECOMMEND?
  14. cartman101

    Going to Order in the next three hours...need your help.

    Is it possible for me to go out and buy a tank and add the baffles in, in one day? If so i might just do that!
  15. cartman101

    Going to Order in the next three hours...need your help.

    Originally Posted by crimzy Cartman... how much light you need depends on the type of macroalgae you get. Caulerpa, for instance, needs 24/7 lighting or it will go sexual on become toxic. I use chaeto, which does fine with 12 hrs of lighting. BTW, let me know if you're not going to use the...
  16. cartman101

    Going to Order in the next three hours...need your help.

    Squidd, People have told me my filtration is not so good (emporer 400, turborflotor skimmer, and 2 power heads) so i need something else like this for extra filtration. What do u reccomend? OhioGuy, Yes I have a BIG problem with AIM when ever u try to contact me it freezes up so dont contact me...
  17. cartman101

    I want a puffah....could I have one??

    Originally Posted by clown123 he might go for the snails mine use to do the same thing. other then that u should be fine. Oops I miss that part that he had snails and a shrimp in his tank. Yea gotta watch out for them.
  18. cartman101

    Going to Order in the next three hours...need your help.

    yeah but it seems like I have poor filtration. When summer comes I will have all the time I need to build my sump. Know what I mean? And I got another question, do I have to run a light on it 24/7? The tank is in my room and the light i will bother me at night time. Maybe just leave the light on...
  19. cartman101

    I Got My Permit

    Originally Posted by lovethesea permit and license are different. OH THATS RIGHT!