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  1. cartman101

    I Got My Permit

    Originally Posted by lovethesea he said permit on the title I think. He was born in 91' so hes gotta be 14-15? I dont think you can have your real permit until your 16.
  2. cartman101

    I want a puffah....could I have one??

    I think that sounds fine.
  3. cartman101


    First off, from my own experience a volitan lion will get way to big for a 55gal and theres a chance that the trigger MAY pick at the lion. Do you have any other choices, i would love to see them. BTW, the lion would eat your damsels and your other fish depending on what size they are.
  4. cartman101

    I Got My Permit

    is it your learners or real permit?
  5. cartman101

    Going to Order in the next three hours...need your help.

    BUMP What size should I get? Medium or Large? (BTW, what happened to grapefruits post?)
  6. cartman101

    I gotta quick question.....

  7. cartman101

    I gotta quick question.....

    Well I have been out of school for 3 days now cause I have the flu. I just took some Nyquil and I just found out right after taking it that it was the NIGHT TIME medication :scared: (its 9:50am now ). BUT it didn't say anything about making you drowsy, so willl i fall asleep on my computer or...
  8. cartman101

    Going to Order in the next three hours...need your help.

    Grapefruit (wow what a funny name), Yeah, it comes with everything besides the plants,sand, or whatever you want to put in it. Chipmaker, I would build my own sump now but school is interfering with things. So skip the biosediment and go with live sand from the local reef club or lfs? I know my...
  9. cartman101

    Going to Order in the next three hours...need your help.

    Well I'm going to be ordering a AquaFuge External Hang-On Refugium. I need to know what you all think about this product. It will be a short term use only since I will be making my own sump this summer. Also what do you all think about Kent Marine BioSediment in the fuge as sand? Any good? Thanks
  10. cartman101

    new pics of my baby Nala

    What did you feed through the dropper?
  11. cartman101

    dwarf octopus

    Originally Posted by Amphibious Well, you didn't understand my post, I guess. Go back and re-read. I understood it and I dont think they are protected or rare...
  12. cartman101

    dwarf octopus

    If you live in florida why wont you just go out and catch them? They're everywhere!
  13. cartman101

    new pics of my baby Nala

    oncebitten, I forgot to ask you. Did you have any problems with her eating when she hatched?
  14. cartman101

    Miniata Groupers

    crimzy, I apologize the other day. I thought you were puffer24/7 again.
  15. cartman101

    My New Stingray!

    Nice! Did you get him/her on a website?
  16. cartman101

    Whats Your Opinion!!!

    Anthony, Can you tell me if you have any macroalgae or sand you would like to sell me or trade me for some live rock?
  17. cartman101

    new pics of my baby Nala

    Yeah i agree with humu. AW2, you are waaaaaaaay to harsh! Stop being to much of a know it all.
  18. cartman101

    This sound good? (college)

    Yeah book work is a pain. But i know i just gotta do it. In healthy class I HAVE TOO make a excersize video Well good thing is that my tank will be in it :cheer: Bad thing is....camra man sucks ( thats me ).
  19. cartman101

    fish magazine

    Originally Posted by Fishhead81 Dr. Fosters and Smith sends a free catalog-type book every month with latest products and stuff, but not sure of a good magazine u can pay to get a subscription for. gl I agree. I like their mags. They have some good info and they have alot of sales! But I bet...
  20. cartman101

    chain moray eel

    Aw, I forgot......never trust you lfs workers