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  1. sea goblin

    Hallide bulbs

    I dont know that much about metal hallide....I thought all the bulbs lasted about the same. Im basically trying to find out what will get me the most bang for my buck. The bulbs for hallide seam to be prety expensive, and i figured that it would be more economical to go with a balast and lamp...
  2. sea goblin

    Hallide bulbs

  3. sea goblin

    Hallide bulbs

    What is the average life span you guys get with your hallide bulbs? And how long do you have them on during the day? Sea Goblin
  4. sea goblin

    Hey went to the LFS finally and got some fish, have some questions

    It sounds like you should be set to go, but it doenst hurt to wait...just monitor the water for a week or two and see if it changes at all. good luck, It should be really nice when you do get your lion...I want to get some when i have a bigger tank. Sea Goblin
  5. sea goblin

    anamone too early.

    anemones being hardy is almost like an oxymoron.....If you are dead set on keeping one though you will have to monitor your water conditions almost daily to make sure that the water does not fluctuate in ammo or trites and trates. If or when it dies, as I am resonably sure it will, you will want...
  6. sea goblin

    Hey went to the LFS finally and got some fish, have some questions

    Its not your water that you have to worry about being is good that you got most of the water that was in there, but what really counts is that the sand and live rock that is in the tank didnt die off. The sand and rock is what the bacteria colonize that are going to be breaking down...
  7. sea goblin

    It's snowing here....

    have a good 4-5 inches here now i think...good ol' Syracuse for ya
  8. sea goblin

    OT - Rock Chalk JayHawks!! Soooo Who else will be in the final four?

    im goin cuse all the way baby...but that might just be because i look out my dorm window and see the Carrier dome right there:D Sea Goblin
  9. sea goblin

    Which lighting is better?

    the pc lights should have little affect on your tank temp, just keep a close eye on it though and if it increases too much i think it is easy to instal some kind of fan to help. The light you will have will be good for shrooms, softies, and maybe a few of the lower light lps corals, no sps or...
  10. sea goblin

    question about LS

    the amount you want to add is really up to you. All you would need is a little bag of sand that had the little bugs and critters that we like to have in the sand, over time they should multiply in numbers and spread through out the tank. But the more you add the faster this process will occur i...
  11. sea goblin

    cycleing tank (this is ok)

    I think by ph he means his phosphate. just a guess though. gl with the new tank, and welcom to the board
  12. sea goblin


    Depending on where you live rain water can be verry bad..."acid rain". Besides that, it collects any kind of particle in the atmosphere, lead, mucury, just to name a few. I would not tust rain water for my aquarium... but thats just my opinion....if its messing up the lakes up north of me a...
  13. sea goblin

    Advice on good Sand Sifter

    I would advise against a horse shoe crab....they will get very large and depleat the sand of all the little organisms that we like to have. I have collected shells from these guys that were 2 to 3 FEET long...i dont know of many aquariums that will suport that animal for very long. I think what...
  14. sea goblin

    Does anyone had Sea turtle before?

    Grouperhead, My thoughts exactly. :) Sea Goblin
  15. sea goblin

    OT: war in Iraq

    I started the post, and I forgot to put where I stand on the issue. I think that we need to get rid of Saddam, and i would prefer that we had the support of the UN, but if they keep on stalling it out I would say then we will go it alone, or with atleast a few allies like Briton. And i have the...
  16. sea goblin

    OT: war in Iraq

    so what do you guys think about a possible war in Iraq? lets hear what our local comunity has to say about it.
  17. sea goblin


    a three gallon will be too small. They need a lot of verticel space, and some can get very big. They are difcult to care for as well. HTH Sea Goblin
  18. sea goblin

    What is too big for a first timer?

    I would disagree with the above statement, I think live rock is a very important part of the salwater aquarium. As far as tank size goes generaly the larger it is the less chance there is for bad things to happen. It leaves room for mistakes to happen and not crash the system. A good start would...
  19. sea goblin

    expensive hermits

    Just looked on the U-build it and it says $784.00 for 50 scarlet reef hermits lol. Im guessing its just a glitch right now...but can you imagine if they actually cost that much?!?!:eek: Sea Goblin
  20. sea goblin

    Screen names

    Simple...Sea looking fish