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  1. sea goblin

    calupra illegal!

    So california wants to legalize pot, and make calurpa illegal? lol, if its bad for animals they gotta put an end to it but when its human health, who really cares right?:D this is a funny planet we live on. Sea Goblin
  2. sea goblin

    red lip Blenny

    ok, If he is like a LMB, then would a 30 gallon be able to support him? I was kinda under the impresion that a 30 was too small for the LMB so maybe the red lip wouldnt work out too well. Thanks, Sea Goblin
  3. sea goblin

    red lip Blenny

  4. sea goblin

    pH question

    Did i miss something? its ok to have your PH at 10?!?! umm normal sea water it like 8.2-8.4 the fish and inverts we house in our aquariums are used to a stable environment that has no to litle change at all. For the best health and continued success of your aquarium I would strongly suggest that...
  5. sea goblin

    Simplicity help

    The problem in doing that is that the crushed coral that you have in there right now is what the bacteria in your tank used to colonize on. So by removing it all and then adding the sand would remove so much of the bacteria that the tank would cycle again. So by doing it in the parts gives the...
  6. sea goblin

    Simplicity help

    ummm. If you can do it in like thirds or a quarter maybe. Take out a quarter of the crushed coral, all on one side, then fill in the area with the sand. let it sit for a week or 2, then take out the next quarter, and add in the sand to that part. The thing is that you will probably end up with...
  7. sea goblin

    Simplicity help

    If you do decide to go with sand then you will want to get enuf sand to creat a 4 inch deep sand bed. This will allow you to not have to vaccum it. You can change the sand with the fish in the tank, just do it parts and try to use a cup or some other method to get the sand to the bottom of the...
  8. sea goblin


    OK, sounds like you have a lot of learning yet to go. Thats ok, most are gonna recomend to get a few books to read. For filter there are a lot to choose from. Some people only use a skimmer and the live rock and live sand in the aquarium to filter with. Others will use the fluval systems...those...
  9. sea goblin

    pH question

    you can buy a PH lowering chemical at most LFS's. What kind of water do you use tap, RO/DI... ect?
  10. sea goblin

    nitrates still too high

    what do you have stocked in the tank? the crushed coral defenitly could be a problem. Do you vaccum it at all to clean out the food and waste? If not then i would suggest doing so. Sea Goblin
  11. sea goblin

    Simplicity help can probably get away with leaving the crushed coral in there. And vaccuming it will be a necesity inorder to keep the trates down. Corals and Inverst do not like very high trates at all. So as long as you can keep the CC clean you should be good to go. If you do decide to change...
  12. sea goblin

    OK....damsel has got to go!

    No problem Islandgirl. It sounds like you should take out the blue for sure, and then go with the clown fish first and then the fire fish if thats what you are looking to do. A pair of clowns, a little old fire fish, and the two yellow tails should be really nice. Lots of colors and action...
  13. sea goblin

    OK....damsel has got to go!

    Ok, from my personal experiance, i like the yellow tail damsels, and mine is about as nice of a little fish as you could ask for, bothers no one, and has quite the personality to him. So i would say based on how your yellow tails act you can keep em'. As far as snail and hermits, i would say go...
  14. sea goblin

    red lip Blenny

    Im looking to hear about anyones experiance that has kept one of these guys. What you fed him, how he acted in the tank (personality), and what you generally thought of the fish? thanks, Sea Goblin
  15. sea goblin

    OT: The National Champions will be ...

    It was prety crazy here last night....Marshall street was the place to be. We had cops on top of all the buildings on the street, and they had greased down the trees to try and keep people out of them. Needless to say the trees are little more than bare poles now. There were a few fires lit up...
  16. sea goblin

    filter media

    It sounds fine with what you have right now. After the cycle you could add o phosphate sponge and a nitrate sponge. They will help in keeping the nutrient levels in the system down so you maybe wont have as much of a problem with hair algea and other "neucance" algeas Sea Goblin
  17. sea goblin

    Number of Fish and Compatability

    The percula clown would be an excelant 1st fish to add. As for the others i would say no to all of them with the exception to the coral beuty, some say they need 55 galons, mine is in a 30, as long as you have plenty of live rock he should be plenty happy. If you are looking for a purple fish...
  18. sea goblin

    this may sound stupid

    Try assking this in the reaf forum...more likely to get help there. Maybe with any luck a mod will see this and move it for ya. Sea Goblin
  19. sea goblin

    Xmas TRee coral

    they actually dont need any light at all i dont think. If I remember correctly they dont have the symbiotic algea like most other corals. So this means though that you will have to feed it daily with invert fillter feading foods. Sea Goblin
  20. sea goblin

    hair algae

    If it is a lot of hair then simply buying a fish and a few inverts isnt going to solve the may help a little, but what you need to do is find out what the nutrient source is that the algea is feeding off from. Do you use tap water or RO/DI? Do you have a fuge? what kind of...