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  1. meleerock

    Can I use Aquafina water for top off?

    Long story short I ran out of RODI water and wont be able to pick more up until tomorrow night. Would it hurt to use Aquafina for a top off so my salt level stays in place? It says it is RO purified. Thanks everyone!
  2. meleerock

    Woman Fined $222,000 for Sharing 24 Songs

    no one is saying that bands are giving away every single song created for free... Just that music sharing might even help an artist by getting more exposure. Of course, this can easily become a problem. I bet you these record labels are far more upset than the actual bands, but every band is...
  3. meleerock

    Woman Fined $222,000 for Sharing 24 Songs

    not all bands are signed to major record labels. There are thousands of bands that would be more than happy to give away some cds or songs for free.
  4. meleerock

    Woman Fined $222,000 for Sharing 24 Songs

    Originally Posted by HappyVac I'd like to point out that I don't condone stealing. The issue I have is the with the way they made an example of this lady. They've probably ruined her life - you can't pretend that's not a ridiculously excessive penalty for sharing some songs. They could have...
  5. meleerock

    Woman Fined $222,000 for Sharing 24 Songs

    Originally Posted by maxalmon These artist spending millions and millions on promoting their songs, they have an incredible # of people on the payroll, they pay taxes and they spend a lot of money...Why, because they are being payed for what you like them to do, if you don't pay them why...
  6. meleerock

    Woman Fined $222,000 for Sharing 24 Songs

    This is so rediculous. Im sure there is a lot more imortant things to worry about in this country rather than someone downloading music. Music should be created as an expresion of ones self, not a way to make millions of dollars, especially like this.
  7. meleerock

    anyone from Michigan???

    I live in Brighton.
  8. meleerock

    How Do You Pronounce Your Username?

    Originally Posted by heartben mine is pronounced like "h34r7b3n" Thats just crazy..
  9. meleerock

    metal halide for 10g??

    Originally Posted by GrouperGenius I have a Sunpod 150 on my 15 tall tank. I tried to get the 70 but they no longer made them. I have a fan next to the tank on the same timer as the light to keep it cool and works very effective. IMHO the light is too much for the softies like shrooms and rics...
  10. meleerock

    Michigan Government Shutdown?

    Does a government end up losing or gaining money in a shutdown or partial shutdown? This could just be lack of knowaldge, but it seems like this would hurt Michigans already not so great economy..
  11. meleerock

    dying snails

    How are you acclimating the snails? Inverts tend to be a little more fragile when it comes to acclimation. The drip method would be best, or even placing the snails on the glass above the water line and letting them go in the water when they feel like it. Where are you getting them from? Are...
  12. meleerock

    Michigan Government Shutdown?

    There is talks of the MI gov't shutting down if the states Lawmakers do not reach a decision on a solution to the states budget crisis and $1.7 billion deficit. Since October 1st is the start of the new fiscal year the shutdown will be inacted almost immediatly if a decision is not reached by...
  13. meleerock

    How Do You Pronounce Your Username?

    may lay rock
  14. meleerock


    I play guitar and have been for about 8 years or so. I have been in about 4 bands but nothing too serious. I am not currently in one though.
  15. meleerock

    Melee's new BioCube 14 tank diary! Pics

    bump. lets see those replies.
  16. meleerock

    Melee's new BioCube 14 tank diary! Pics

    thanks! The tank is a little brighter and a little more intense with some of the colors such as the green nepthia. It does not turn out so green in pics. All and all I am very satasfied with the lights. 2 thumbs up
  17. meleerock

    metal halide for 10g??

    i have the sunpod 70 on my 14 gallon and think it is the perfect amount of light. It gives off a great color and all my corals LOVE it! If you go with a 150 watt it might be a little too much for zoas and shrooms. If you go with a more light demanding corals make sure to keep an eye on your...
  18. meleerock

    MH in nano???

    honestly, any mh light in the plastic hood imo would just create way too much heat. I have the currentusa sundop 70 watt on my 14 gallon and could not be happier. It comes with 6 white moon lights and 6 blue moon lights, as well as stands for the unit. You just remove the stock top of the tank...
  19. meleerock

    Melee's new BioCube 14 tank diary! Pics

    few more!
  20. meleerock

    Melee's new BioCube 14 tank diary! Pics

    alright. I have some new pics of the tank. I havent added any thing new since the last batch of pics. I love the new lights.. hope you enjoy. I plan on getting a few new corals and an occeloris in the next week or so. Let me know what you think!