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  1. meleerock

    Melee's new BioCube 14 tank diary! Pics

    Originally Posted by nietzsche any pics yet?? Sorry, Ill get some pictures up tomorrow. Everything is runing smoothly and looks great!
  2. meleerock

    Melee's new BioCube 14 tank diary! Pics

    Originally Posted by locofish love your tank!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thank you. Me too, a pain in a butt to take care of, but its definitly worth it!
  3. meleerock

    Melee's new BioCube 14 tank diary! Pics

    All I can say is WOW! I love the new lights, colors are so much brighter and an almost natural crisp, clean light. Everything is looking wonderful and all out I will post pictures soon. Between school and work its hard to find time for the tank. Im kinda slacking about these flatworms. I have...
  4. meleerock

    identify this shroom (my first! bought today)

    Keep the lights on 8 - 12 hours a day, this seems to be the general amount of lights on time. The shrooms look awesome, very nice piece. good find Happy birthday! Hope you spoil yourself rotten with fish tank goodies!
  5. meleerock

    Pajama Cardinals = Ugliest Fish Alive?

    Originally Posted by Cyberbug Who can't love this one??? It has so much spunk ....He run's with the tangs... Stickin by the PJ's
  6. meleerock

    Neon green candy cane

    like stated above, I have one and it sticks out its feeders whenever I feed the tank. It does not require a ton of light either.
  7. meleerock

    Thinking about upgrading to MH on BC14

    mine shipped today. Hopefully I get it by Thursday!!
  8. meleerock

    Pajama Cardinals = Ugliest Fish Alive?

    Originally Posted by reefernana I love my pajama cardinal, too! And mine follows me and has a very calming effect. I see nothing wrong with that. I don't really feel that starting a thread like this is for any other purpose but to start arguments and to show your age because usually young...
  9. meleerock

    what is the sg of fresh ro water?

    like stated above. I want to callibrate my refractometer because i think it is off. what its the specific gravity of RO? Its not heated, and Its an ATC (autoTempControl). will this make a difference?
  10. meleerock

    Pajama Cardinals = Ugliest Fish Alive?

    i love my pj cardinal, he does have a personality too, definitly not a big one, but still a personality. If you think pj cardinals are the most ugliest fish ever then i dont think you have seen a bicolor goatfish, all frogfish, most hamlets, most squirrelfish, on top of many others (most...
  11. meleerock

    DeMartini's 14G BioCube

    Lauren, what light cycle did you use when acclimating your corals to the sunpod?
  12. meleerock

    Melee's new BioCube 14 tank diary! Pics

    Originally Posted by nietzsche btw, where did you get that light for your fuge? ive seen it mentioned but i cant remember if it was from walgreens or some weird store like that and how's the temperature in your tank doing right now with the fuge light, stock lights, and the mj1200? The previous...
  13. meleerock

    Well I done did it

    i have never fragged anything either but it sounds like you did what you were supposed to with the mushroom. I have heard that sometimes they can slime off if you super glued them down. Mushrooms are pretty dang harty. I had one naturaly split and it took about a week but then couldnt even tell.
  14. meleerock

    Thinking about upgrading to MH on BC14

    Originally Posted by nietzsche hey let me know how the sunpod goes. i was thinking of doing that some day or putting together a small pendant from pfo and using their ballast to power a 150w mh bulb keep us updated Will let you know. Make sure to check out my thread on the nano forum as well...
  15. meleerock

    Thinking about upgrading to MH on BC14

    Originally Posted by DeMartini You're going to love it! It makes the corals look so beautiful. Don't worry about heat issues, I actually noticed a temp drop when I upgraded. I think it's because more air flows across the surface causing more evaporation. You'll notice the difference with the top...
  16. meleerock

    Melee's new BioCube 14 tank diary! Pics

    well, im taking the ultimate dive and just ordered a 70w 14k MH HQI Current USA SunPod!!! I can not believe how excited I am about this purchase, and I dont even have it yet. Im killing flatworms tomorrow... and hopefully it runs smoothly and without any issues. I do have a question on the...
  17. meleerock

    Thinking about upgrading to MH on BC14

    well........... I couldnt resist and ordered one! After hearing good review after good review I decided I better do it now and all of a sudden had to get one. Hopefully I get it next week!!!!!!!!
  18. meleerock

    Thinking about upgrading to MH on BC14

    As some of you might know I have a 14 gallon biocube. Recently I have been finding myself wanting to upgrade to MH lighting. I was thinking about doing a 70w 14K for a nice crisp and blue tint. I want to try to avoid buying a new hood with a MH in it and was actually looking at the Current USA...
  19. meleerock

    R U thinking about geting a Nano

    definitly looks like a great tank. I just have a 14 gal. BC with stock lighting and find no problems with it so I would imagine this would just be pure reefer heaven!! I love the wave maker. Definitly going to have to upgrade if there is a price drop!
  20. meleerock

    How many clown fish can I have....

    what type of clowns do you have in the tank right now? Mixing clowns can be a bad idea, but in a big tank like this I am sure everyone can choose their own territory or anemone and defend itself when incroached (sp?) upon. Maroons tend to be more aggresive than some other clowns so I would...