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  1. meleerock

    Melee's new BioCube 14 tank diary! Pics

    1 more... Thanks everyone!
  2. meleerock

    Melee's new BioCube 14 tank diary! Pics

    Here are some bad pictures. I really need to figure out how to use my camera. I think a tripod would also be handy too. Here is the pic. The PJ Cardinal - now called Freddy Prince is being camera shy but I got the best pics I could. There is also some other random photos. Please notice the...
  3. meleerock

    Melee's new BioCube 14 tank diary! Pics

    I got a fish today!! A pajama cardinal. He has some really nice color and is doing great. After acclimation I fed my tank and ate a good amount. I will get a few pictures soon. I have still been manualy removing flatworms as the fish store is out of flatworm exit. They have it back in stock...
  4. meleerock

    Are my fish eating copepods?

    Originally Posted by dborne3 I looked into my tank just last night and i saw what looked like tiny fleas floating around my liverock. Were those probly copepods? Also a little offsubject but i also saw these little tube-like worms stretching out of the this ok, good, bad? More then...
  5. meleerock

    29g Biocube refugium lighting questions!!

    The previous owner of my cube scraped off the black paint on the back of the tank where the 2nd chamber is. He then made a box out of wood and added a light. Then he put velcro on the light box and the tank so it will stay in place. Im glad he did it, it GREATLY improves the tank and I notice...
  6. meleerock

    ph dropping

    with a DSB you should not be seeing nitrates that high. Have you cleaned the powerheads at all since you got the tank? Letting them run in a water and viniger solution for a day or so really helps them with better and stronger flow. Fish do love brine but I would feed mysis as well, a lot more...
  7. meleerock

    Are my fish eating copepods?

    most fish will eat copepods but most copepods are found on rocks or the sand. Get some cheato macro algae and place it in a soap dish. The pods will breed here and not be able to get eaten since secure in the cheato. This site also sells some. If you do both, even better.
  8. meleerock

    Melee's new BioCube 14 tank diary! Pics

    more bad news. My LFS is out of flatworm exit and wont have any more until next tuesday. Im going to try and siphon as many flatworms as I see until I get some exit. Hopefully they wont hurt any corals by then.
  9. meleerock

    What is this...Its everywhere!

    My tank is too small for a sixline. its only a 14 gallon. I want one though. I dont want to get a nudi though, i dont know if it would eat them all, and if it does it will starve without food in such a small tank. I think regardless I am gunna use Flatworm Exit. From what I have read about it...
  10. meleerock

    Melee's new BioCube 14 tank diary! Pics

    Bad news strikes the cube.... There is quite a few flatworms in my tank. I am assuming from one of my new coral additions. Im gunna pick up some flatworm exit and try to suck some up with a baster tomorrow. Ill probably treat the tank on wed and hopefully get them all after the second treatment...
  11. meleerock

    What is this...Its everywhere!

    flatworm exit. I have already seen a bunch and just added a bunch of new frags so must have got them from that. I did in iodine bath but I guess they lived through it. I will get some of this tomorrow at my LFS. Anyone else have oppinions on this? I am going to read up on them right now. Oh...
  12. meleerock

    New Softy 8 Pack!

    Originally Posted by Kevin34 Awsome pics. Are the last ones people eaters? oh i thought you were talking about purple deaths not PPE.
  13. meleerock

    What is this...Its everywhere!

    I am afraid that these things are bad and will kill everything in my tank... im sure im over reacting. Does anyone know what this is? Thanks!!!
  14. meleerock

    battle of the zoas contest. winner will be rewarded.

    Here is mine. I will submit my other pic a bit later.
  15. meleerock

    New Softy 8 Pack!

    I just really like the looks of them. I like a nice crisp purple color in the tank. I can get them for around $10 a polyp with isnt too bad. Here are a few more pics I just took first is the purple zoas again. not a good pic. I moved them to a spot they didnt like so got mad at me so I moved em...
  16. meleerock

    Melee's new BioCube 14 tank diary! Pics

    and a few exra!!!
  17. meleerock

    Melee's new BioCube 14 tank diary! Pics

    more pics!!!! In the first pic of this post you can see my green fuzzy shroom. When I got it at the swap it was starting to split and now is almost completely 2 pieces!
  18. meleerock

    Melee's new BioCube 14 tank diary! Pics

    Here are some new pics I took today. I posted them in the photography forum but sence this is my tank diary they shoud be in here too. Hope you enjoy. Everything is going great on the tank! Still no fish but 1 is coming soon.
  19. meleerock

    New Softy 8 Pack!

    Originally Posted by Kevin34 Awsome pics. Are the last ones people eaters? I wish. They are very cool though. They closed up because I moved them. Ill take a pic with them open later. Thanks max, the rock was awesome to begin with, now its doing great!
  20. meleerock

    New Softy 8 Pack!

    3 more