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  1. meleerock

    Does lugals iodine go bad?

    How much does iodine usually cost? Is it a ton or pretty cheap?
  2. meleerock

    bugs on top of tank.

    Originally Posted by bill109 thanks for all the replies i will lookinto the screen material. Screen sound like it would work perfectly. Problem solved!
  3. meleerock

    how much light for cheato?

    is the cheato going to be located in the DT or a fuge? If located in the DT I would leave the light cycle alone, around 12 on - 12 off. If run in a fuge I would let the DT lights run for 12 hours and the cheato light for the other 12.
  4. meleerock

    Melee's new BioCube 14 tank diary! Pics

    Thanks all, I cant wait to get everything. Tomorrow night I will post some pics of everything!!! Im planning on getting a few really nice rics as well so thats a big plus! Tonight I have to prep for the new additions and have a crap ton to do, all while still maintaining a social life.
  5. meleerock

    Melee's new BioCube 14 tank diary! Pics

    Thank you! I sure am trying! Lets see how I do with all these corals now. Thats gunna be the challinging part.
  6. meleerock

    "night crawlers?"

    they mulitply quickly if nothing is eating If there isnt a threat to them being eaten then you will notice a ton in your tank, especially at night.
  7. meleerock

    Melee's new BioCube 14 tank diary! Pics

    Swap is tomorrow! Im probably gunna bring a few extra $$. I never know what i just might NEED!!
  8. meleerock

    a really really fun game,,,and very hard

    Originally Posted by seasalt101 still waiting on the end of the world question help....tobin alright... what is at the end of the sentence "The End Of The World!"
  9. meleerock

    "night crawlers?"

    agreed! Totaly benifitial!
  10. meleerock

    a really really fun game,,,and very hard

    I will let you know when I get there. Would you like a hint or the answer?
  11. meleerock

    how much light for cheato?

    No problem! I think you will find the cheato very benifitial and a GREAT addition to your tank. It removes or lowers phosphates and nitrates, is accepted by some fish as food, and provides a great spot for pod flourishment... what else could you ask for?
  12. meleerock

    dream aquarium

    Originally Posted by kedabo I don't care about the stock list particularly but it needs to be: 1) Large enough to snorkel/ dive in so at least 30' deep x 300' Long x 60' wide roughly 540,000 cubic feet of water. 2) Several smaller sharks. 3) Lots of corals. 4) Plenty of other invetabretes to...
  13. meleerock

    almost ready.

    An RO is definitly handy to have around. Im sure you know chlorine will evap. out of water within 24 hours anyway if you have a good flow. Does the stress coat provide any benifit to fish at all? Sorry if I am hijacking.
  14. meleerock

    Taking buckets to grocery store to get RO water

    Does anyone do this? In the past I have just taken a few 5 gallon drinking water drums to the grocery store. Well I dont have those any more and was wondering if it would be odd to bring in 2 5 gallon buckets and fill them up with water. It seems like it might be slightly akward and people might...
  15. meleerock

    how much light for cheato?

    The cheato will be fine with the lights right now imo.
  16. meleerock

    how much light for cheato?

    cheato does not need that much light to thrive. Of course with more light you will find more growth though. A lot of people just go to home depot and buy a small compact fluorescent and fixture for cheap. You can get a [hr] in(the word I tried to use was filtered out... lets just say a turn...
  17. meleerock


    I find that nass. snails are the coolest, nicest, and most effective part of the clean up crew. They dont pick on anything and they eat poop... what else could you ask for from a cleaner? lol
  18. meleerock


    Originally Posted by cindyh915 I was just reading today that the blueleg hermit, the jade hermit and the scarlet hermit are all good for taking care of detritus. Hermits are great. They do tend to be a little moody though (i mean, they are Just make sure you have extra empty...
  19. meleerock

    dream aquarium

    I would have to go with a wrap around the room hawiian themed tank. All fish found native to hawaii. Of course a mix of black and white sand and black lava live rock mixed in with reg. live rock. Hawiian dragon eel, humahuma trigger, hawiian yellow tangs, hawaiian puffer. No coral, just some...
  20. meleerock

    bugs on top of tank.

    I bet. Not very appealing to look at. What about a breathable material that you can set over the tank... like a bug net for a bed.... heck, you could even buy a vail type material. Seems like this would be easier and almost healthier for the tank if you just throw some cloth over the top at night.