Search results

  1. meleerock

    almost ready.

    With most tanks you aim for around a 20 time water turnover rate. Since your tank is 125 gal. you should try to shoot for 2,500 gallons per hour in movment. This seems like a lot but you can also take into account the wet/dry pump. With 2,000gph with the 2 600gph and 2 400gph powerheads you will...
  2. meleerock

    bugs on top of tank.

    I think putting a glass top on the tank would get old after a while. Some bugs are poisonis if eaten such as fire flies, but I think little nats or small moths arent too big of an issue. Of course, if you happen to walk by the tank and see them than scoop them out, other than that I dont think...
  3. meleerock

    ro water from grocery store

    Originally Posted by mrextc what about the drinking water stores??? Drinking water tends to get expensive in big amounts. Most drinking water is also not ran through in RODI filter but is distilled or ran through some other type of filtration that will not be as pure as RODI. im not making...
  4. meleerock

    ro water from grocery store

    If you can, get a TDS meter (total disolved solids). TDS are all the left over particles and impurities in the water after its filtered. The closer to 0 the TDS is, the better. I myself use RO water from a grocery store and it wonderful. My levels are all in check and I dont have accesive algea...
  5. meleerock

    a really really fun game,,,and very hard

    nvm.... i got it.
  6. meleerock

    a really really fun game,,,and very hard

    42? this game is rediculous...
  7. meleerock

    fuge question?

    I run my fuge lights all day and night to keep the pH steady at around 8.2. Most people run theirs 24/7 or when the main tank lights are off (at night).
  8. meleerock

    Post Your Age!

    19... although it probably isnt a shock.
  9. meleerock

    Ricordea Help !!!

    man are you lucky. Make sure to post some pics when you get em! Blue and Orange rics are awesome.
  10. meleerock

    black or white background???

    I personaly have never seen a white background on a tank so am interested on how it looks. It seems like it would be cool, almost
  11. meleerock

    Please report bad post, spam, bad attitudes, and links to competitors here!!!
  12. meleerock

    Melee's new BioCube 14 tank diary! Pics

    Well, the swap is coming up not soon Its on Sunday though so I suppose I can wait a few more days. Here is an updated list of everything I am getting at the swap! and boy is it a lot! 3 - polyps pink zoas 3 - polyps all blue zoas 5 - polyps orange bam bams 5 - polyps bright green...
  13. meleerock

    black or white background???

    you should do both.... checker board style. lol
  14. meleerock

    Do you run your tank with or without a Protein Skimmer?

    haha. Well even though its an old thread, I used to run a BakPak 2 on my 37 gallon and loved it. It pulled out a ton of gunk and worked great.
  15. meleerock

    Newb Question (Hydrometer)

    I have a refractometer. It is so hassle free and way more reliable than a swing arm hydrometer. They sell them on this site for pretty cheap. well worth the money imo
  16. meleerock

    uh i just saw these two big spiders

    How about a trap? People have been successful with the pop bottle trap. Put it by where you saw them last with a piece of shrimp in the bottle and if they go in it, you got em. Who knows if there is more though.
  17. meleerock

    Does lugals iodine go bad?

    good point indeed. Has anyone used iodine purchased at a non fish store? Is this the same iodine? just for future refrence!
  18. meleerock

    uh i just saw these two big spiders

    If they are indeed zoo spiders you should look into doing a fresh water dip on your coral. This would be helpful for the removal of the nasty things.
  19. meleerock

    My new 75 rr stand so far

    looks awesome! You are going to be really happy with all of those doors... good decision. Cant wait to see the finished project with tank and canopy.
  20. meleerock

    here are some of my freshwater pics...

    Love the Africans! The tank looks awesome and lots of great color in the fish. Do you feem them pellet, frozen, and live? Its always great to throw in some guppies and let the feeding frenzy begin. Great tank!