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  1. 90reefkepr

    Water Changes!!!!

    my friend who has had many difficult fish said that water changes are best to do only about 5-10% every month... many people are over changing their water and causing bacteria not to build up fast enough.
  2. 90reefkepr

    nudibranchs and cucumbers

    you should be able to tell the website by the circle around the picture its like that websites trade mark...
  3. 90reefkepr


    what do the crabs do to them?
  4. 90reefkepr

    can any one recommend a good filter system for me

    no its a canister filter sells for about 120 online
  5. 90reefkepr


    What is this...
  6. 90reefkepr

    can any one recommend a good filter system for me

    all depends on your tank size... if it is 38 you can get a fluval 404 would work very well... It is a very quiet filter.
  7. 90reefkepr

    Mystery Critter: Identify

    I dont know what this creature is? Can you help me identify it... see attached file.
  8. 90reefkepr

    Updated pics of 175BF and 120

    how much live rock do you have in each of those tanks?
  9. 90reefkepr

    Help with the right fish

    does anyone have a pic of a carpenters cause i was gona get one but im not sure.
  10. 90reefkepr

    Staten Island NY

    link didnt work and does if you dont want it do you know someone who will like mabye someone from saltwater lives closer to you then me and they would want it ?
  11. 90reefkepr

    Staten Island NY

    well i would like to get rid of a sun coral for mabye some zoos or something that is big or takes over.
  12. 90reefkepr

    Help with the right fish

    I think you should get like 5 blue green reef chromis. i have 5 of them in my 90 and they are rele cool. they change color from blue to green under different wavelenghts.
  13. 90reefkepr

    fraggin corals

    exactly how do you frag mushroom corals? would i be able to frag ricordeas? HOW?
  14. 90reefkepr

    free finger leather

    i can take one in staten island, NY 10307 if you have any left.
  15. 90reefkepr

    Wtb Corals In Ny Area

    I got a sun coral in Staten Island Ny
  16. 90reefkepr

    Staten Island NY

    any one from SINY?
  17. 90reefkepr

    WTB LIVE ROCK, Aneomes, corals, etc

    well just to let u know... mabye my parents can ship it because im only 14 lol
  18. 90reefkepr

    WTB Frags in Central NJ

    i have a sun coral in ny
  19. 90reefkepr

    30" Orbit Deluxe 2x65w

    how much u want for it with out the timer
  20. 90reefkepr

    WTB LIVE ROCK, Aneomes, corals, etc

    i may be able to give you a sun coral if you pick up in 10307, staten island