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  1. 90reefkepr

    Copper Band Butterfly In Reef?

    well i have alot of featherdusters and im not getting rid of them. but do the long nosed butterfly fish eat dusters because if not ill get them...
  2. 90reefkepr

    Fragging Xenias... Can It be Done?

    its all in the title.... i was thinking about getting a small colony of pulsing xenias and i was wondering if they can be fragged?
  3. 90reefkepr

    yellow polyps

    i have 10 shrimp total 2 skunk cleaner, 7 peppermint and 1 coral banded and all my corals are fine
  4. 90reefkepr

    Copper Band Butterfly In Reef?

    does anyone one of these in a reef.... if so can you take a picture of them and let me know if it pics at any corals
  5. 90reefkepr

    taking pictures

    Can everyone tell me the type of camera you use and post any picture so i can see the quality because i have an hp photosmart 935 with 5.3 mega pix and its not giving me good pictures.. PS can you also tell me the MP on you camera and if you have the same camera as me can you tell me how to get...
  6. 90reefkepr

    should i add snails

    i got 40 turbos in my 90 id say you should get more then just 2 mabye 10
  7. 90reefkepr


    I would definitely say it is brown algea... how long have you had a saltwater tank that you dont know brown algea when you see it
  8. 90reefkepr

    Ich? not sure

    if you dont see any white spots there is also a chance you are dealing with black ich which you would be unable to see on the cba due to its deep purple skin my flame angelfish had black ich and i was barly able to tell because most of the ich was located on the vertical blick stripes.
  9. 90reefkepr

    large amounts of algea

    sorry i was to into the 0's i put a zero for calcium the calcium is 450
  10. 90reefkepr

    large amounts of algea

    well the parameters are... amonnia-0 nitrite-0 nitrate-20 phos-0 iron-0 calcium-0 ph-8.2 temp- 77-79 Salt-1.024 Light source- Orbit 4x65 watt pcs 2xsunpaq 2xtrue actinic filter- proclear aquatics 150 w/ protein skimmer running at 700 gph Movement- 1 penguin 1140 300 gph 1 penguin 660 184 gph...
  11. 90reefkepr

    looking for a larger fish to add now...

    my lfs said that butterfly fish are not reef safe because they will nip at cooral and anenomes. FISH 2 ocellaris clowns 5 blue green reef chromis 1 royal gramma 1 diamond watchmen goby 1 algea/sailfin blenny 1 small blue tang 1 common cleaner wrasse INVERTS 40 turbo/astrea 15 dwarf blue leg...
  12. 90reefkepr

    Cleaner Wrasse

    they are easy to care for IMO i have one for 2 weeks now and he has been eating food i hive it since day 2... i feed it pellets and frozen mysid
  13. 90reefkepr

    looking for a larger fish to add now...

    the cleaner wrasse is eating the food i give it and 2 fish i have which are bigger then the hippo but i would like to get another fish larger then them so he wont wonder around and act stupid.
  14. 90reefkepr

    Flatworm atack

    i dont know what they are but i had a TON of them in my filter but i cleaned them out
  15. 90reefkepr

    What in the world is this??

    ya looks like a nudibranch
  16. 90reefkepr

    large amounts of algea

    i have a lot of algea and i was wondering if anyone can suggest how to get rid of it. it grows mostly on the glass. there is brown algea, green algea, red algea and corraline algea (which i dont want to get rid of but want to get off the front and side glass.)
  17. 90reefkepr

    looking for a larger fish to add now...

    AM i able to get a blue tang that is larger then the one i have now for may tank... the one i have now is 3/4 - 1" or is there another large very docile fish someone can suggest cause my cleaner wrasse is going crazy with nobody to clean
  18. 90reefkepr

    saved something from the lfs dont know what it is?

    does anyone else have any imput? how often do i feed it. what type of light? how many watts?
  19. 90reefkepr

    pufferfish in a reef aquarium?-...

    IMO i think that you should not have neither the EEL or the PUFFER... It is a reef tank you are talking about, right?
  20. 90reefkepr

    saved something from the lfs dont know what it is?

    I bought this at the lfs... if you know what it is can you please tell me...