Search results

  1. elfdoctors

    uv sterilizer

    A UV sterilizer may lower populations of ich but will not usually cure an established infection. Many of the trophonts fall to the ground in a specific area near where the fish sleeps. When the fish goes to the same area to sleep again, the new generation attaches to the fish again so the...
  2. elfdoctors

    Red Serpent Star

    Welcome to the Boards! Falling apart within the first several weeks is very common with acclimation stress. How did you acclimate? Starfish usually need very long acclimations. I usually try to do a six hour acclimation with starfish if possible. They also need good water quality in a mature...
  3. elfdoctors

    How to treat HLLE?

    There are lots of unproven treatments. Here's the ones that are most likely to get your fish into remission. 1) Improve water quality. HLLE is the one disease that seems to occur more commonly with high nitrAtes. You may have to do a water change or remove a fish. 2) Improve the diet - If...
  4. elfdoctors

    sick dottyback

    You also do not have to purchase another one. Some of the older books suggest that bristleworms are harmful, but the truth is that most of these are quite beneficial. (Just don't touch one with bare hands).
  5. elfdoctors

    chemical or natural ? ? ?

    Cleaner shrimp and fish will also not work. They will not be able to eradicate an ich outbreak. The wrasse would also likely starve before too long. These forms of biological control will limit certain ectoparasites. They rarely can treat the gills (where a good percentage of the infection...
  6. elfdoctors

    Clown - Ich or Sand?

    Nice pictures. I think your fish is normal. It appears to be only a minor color variant. I would watch the fish as I would not expect the white line to grow much.
  7. elfdoctors

    Clown - Ich or Sand?

    Any chance of getting a picture? That would help a lot. How are your water readings. Sometimes poor water quality will show up with whitish growths on the fins.
  8. elfdoctors

    Blue Hippo Tang - wounds/scratches

    I would agree that these may only be scratches. Hippos love to squeeze in tight places in the live rock. He probably got stuck and removed some of his slime coat. You probably should just watch this. However, if you feel a need to treat, a product such as Stress-Coat may help heal this up more...
  9. elfdoctors

    Bacterial infection or fungus

    Fungal infections are actually rare in saltwater aquariums. (The salt prevents most species of fungus from growing.) However mold-like cottony growths are common with bacterial infections. It is usually best to avoid putting any medications into a display tank. Sometimes these infections can be...
  10. elfdoctors

    Know any good proxy servers?

    Here's another one to try: I know people who have their computer access limited at work use this server to play Astrowars! :D
  11. elfdoctors


    If the guy has been raising them, he knows that the females are more valuable than the males. The males also tend to be more aggressive. You may actually have three males. Don't expect too many babies if this is the case. :D
  12. elfdoctors

    inch / gallon rule.

    After your tank has been up and running for a year, you might push that recommendation (perhaps to a maximum of 1 inch of fish per every 2 gallons). However, remember that these recommendations are based on the usual adult length of your fish - not their current size.
  13. elfdoctors

    Saltwater in the air..

    :) I am not an expert in this area but I will take another stab at this. I imagine that this would take effect over months to years. I do have some experience on the board of directors of a local fitness center. Almost all electronic equipment (e.g. stereos) in the pool rooom is usually...
  14. elfdoctors

    ich question...

    A uv sterilizer will not eliminate an ich infection. It will lower the population of free simming ich so your fish may be able to survive a low level infecton. Most of the free ich (not attached to fish) in your tank is in your substrate where a UV filter can have no effect. There are no...
  15. elfdoctors

    nox ich

    It may be safe. However, it is unlikely to be effective. There are NO medications which are recommended to be used within a display tank. The only reliable treatments for saltwater ich are hyposalinity and copper (neither of which are safe for inverts or live rock).
  16. elfdoctors

    Need Help With Fish!!!

    Welcome to the Boards! With a freshly cycled tank, I would be suspicious about water quality issues. The cycle is finished when there are enough bacteria to break down nitrogenous wastes. However, there are many other wastes which may have formed from the rotting which triggered the cycle. A...
  17. elfdoctors

    Hypo Question?

    You are using a calibrated refractometer to measure your salinity, aren't you? I believe that ich can survive down to ~1.011 specific gravity. Any other method is not accurate at these low ranges. It is possible, that the small spots are tiny ulcers where the trophonts had been attached. If so...
  18. elfdoctors

    Need help Identifying

    It sounds like you are having a normal cycle. The film on the dead shrimp is just a bacterial slime (which will break down the shrimp and then generate ammonia which will then allow the beneficial bacteria to live. You added your live shrimp too soon. Your water chemistries will not be healthy...
  19. elfdoctors


    YGM Otherwise you can try me at I don't check that account very often as I tend to use it just for MSN messenger.
  20. elfdoctors

    is there a cure for Brooklynella?

    YGM. You may not have seen my first e-mail so I will send a second with in the subject line.