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  1. elfdoctors

    Citron goby not eating

    It's actually not that hard. It involves buying eggs and hatching them in a bubbling container (such as a 2 liter pop bottle). The directions usually come with the eggs as there are several types of eggs available and they need different salinities to grow well. You can actually make them...
  2. elfdoctors

    Need help identifying something

    Most likely these are only pods (short for copepods), which are desirable. However, another possibility would be flatworms. It is hard to tell with your picture. Do a search for these possibilities and you should be able to match your critters to other people's pictures.
  3. elfdoctors


    YGM or you can contact me at Astrowars! :)
  4. elfdoctors

    Saltwater in the air..

    I have heard of this happening. It is similar to what can happen from chlorine in a swimming pool. A small amount of salt can be aerosolized into the air, particularly if you are running a skimmer and making lots of litle bubbles. This can be corrosive to electronics.
  5. elfdoctors

    Need help with identifying

    If your tank is still that new, do not overfeed the fish. Hopefully there is enough natural algae in the tank to prevent him from starving. Dried Nori, (such as seaweed selects), soaked in garlic, and/or Zoecon are also good ways to get a new tang to eat. You might even be able to get some real...
  6. elfdoctors

    Need help with identifying

    Welcome to the Boards! Is your tank new? Some cheaper test kits never give 0 readings for ammonia. However, any truly detectable ammonia and nitrites can be toxic for fish. Clowns are relatively resistant to poor water quality (they are related to damsels which are sometimes used to cycle a...
  7. elfdoctors

    Please help identify, I dont know what else to do

    Originally posted by whites60 Is it possible for a fish to be the host and show no symptons and never be sick. Absolutely. If a fish is otherwise healthy, it may be able to develop a limited immunity to a specific illness. Many times this results in the parasite not being able to reproduce...
  8. elfdoctors

    Question for Beth on ICH.

    What your LFS owner said is true for FRESHWATER ich. Saltwater ich is a completely different illness. It has to be introduced into your tank. I have been amazed by how many LFS owners do not know the difference. This is because many of them got into the hobby from the freshwater route and only...
  9. elfdoctors

    Hypo Question?

    For a tank to be cycled, it needs to be able to break down as much ammonia as is being produced. Decreasing feedings is one way to decrease how much ammonia is being produced. However, you should not really withhold food from a sick fish either. This may be somewhat of a fine line. Above all...
  10. elfdoctors

    is there a cure for Brooklynella?
  11. elfdoctors

    bee keepers

    I raised bees for three years and loved it. Unfortunately, my hives developed foulbrood and I lost everything my last year (plus I didn't have the time as my kids got a little older). There is probably a beekeeping course offered by your statewide beekeeping association. Different parts of the...
  12. elfdoctors

    is there a cure for Brooklynella?

    Brooklynella is best treated with formalin baths. The procedure is outlined in the sticky at the top of the forum. Welcome to the Boards!
  13. elfdoctors

    Citron goby not eating

    Welcome to the Boards! A Citron Goby tends to need a carnivourous diet. You should try to offer it several different things to entice it to eat. Besides just brine shrimp, you should consider trying mysid shrimp (also try soaking these with garlic before feeding to the fish), formula one frozen...
  14. elfdoctors

    Naso Tang grey spot/white erosion

    Nice picture! My first thought is aggression. Have the yellow tang and your naso been fighting? How are your readings? That is a small tank for a fish which can get to 18 inches! Welcome to the Boards!
  15. elfdoctors

    clown trouble

    Welcome to the Boards! Any chance of getting a picture? Otherwise you should check out the diseased fish sticky at the top of the forum to help diagnose your fish.
  16. elfdoctors

    Hypo Question?

    Eating is a good sign while in QT. Your fish are probably improving already. However, if your tank is uncycled, it is imperative that you do not overfeed. Ammonia is produced by fish in larger quantities if they consume more protein than they need (fats and carbohydrates do not contain nitrogen...
  17. elfdoctors

    What is this? What should I do?

    I also agree that it is cyanobacteria. There are encrusting sponges but they would not have bubbles when the lights are on nor would they be likely to be growing on the sand bed.
  18. elfdoctors

    Hypo Question?

    Originally posted by scoobydoo Use water from your main tank. You won't need to do water changes everyday. I would only do 10% a week. This will depend on the number of fish (bioload). When I did hypo in an uncycled tank, I had to do 20% water changes twice daily and I still had a few fish...
  19. elfdoctors

    Going Fishless

    Ich will complete its lifecycle within 23-28 days depending on temperature. It requires a fish to complete its lifecycle. Otherwise it will die off. If your only concern is ich, most people leave the tank fishless for a month to have a little insurance. There is no need to do hyposalinity also...
  20. elfdoctors

    Brookynella Question

    Check out the sticky at the top of this forum.