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  1. elfdoctors

    Hypo Question?

    The amount of salt in water with a specific gravity of 1.009 is approximately 9/25ths of the amount in water with a specific gravity of 1.025. Considering that for most salt mixes, it takes ~1/2 cup of saltwater per gallon of water to make regular seawater, I calculate that it would only be...
  2. elfdoctors

    Why are my fish not swimming?

    Invertebrates rarely spread diseases to fish. I believe that your disease actually came from the algae blenny. (This is a good time to plead with you to get a quarantine tank). I also would wonder whether the disease you are describing is clownfish. They are among the easiest fish to diagnose...
  3. elfdoctors

    Brookynella Question

    Hyposalinity will not help Brooklynella (assuming you have the correct diagnosis). The preferred treatment is formalin baths.
  4. elfdoctors

    ? on Hyposalinity

    Assuming you did not have any invertebrates in your tank, I would feed a few small flakes into the tank once a week. This is enough to keep the bacterial populations high enough to be able to handle the fish wastes when your fish return.
  5. elfdoctors


    Actually, I had never even heard of the rutabage festival. However, it does not sound like something that I will go out of my way to attend. :notsure: Because I have to be available for obstetrics, I don't travel more than 1/2 hour away very often. I do live to your north. However, every little...
  6. elfdoctors

    How long in QT? Help!

    Many times lawnmower blennies are picky eaters when they first get added to a tank. They are just not used to spirulina. I kept my lawnmower blenny in quarantine for 3 weeks. I did have an overgrowth of algae on my PVC pipe pieces and the walls which helped. I saw the fish eat this but nothing...
  7. elfdoctors

    Hyposalinity Question

    Hyposalinity only kills the free swimming forms of ich. The parts that are protected in the slime layer of the fish will survive. They can take 5-7 days to fall off. Be patient. How you are measuring specific gravity? You should make sure that you are using a refractometer for measurements in...
  8. elfdoctors

    red general star

    Welcome to the Boards. Is the starfish new? Falling apart is a common symptom of acclimation stress. This can present up to a month after you added the starfish. If the central disc stays okay, the sea star may survive. How did you acclimate? Starfish need a very long acclimation. I try to...
  9. elfdoctors


    I do not live in Cumberland but I send my psychiatric patients to your local hospital when I have to commit someone! I have also eaten at the 5 o'clock club. The preferred treatments for ich are hyposalinity or copper. If you are unable to do water changes, this is one of the few situations...
  10. elfdoctors


    The preferred treatment for brooklynella is formalin baths. The procedure for this is outlined in the sticky at the top of this forum. The way to prevent your tank from getting infected is to quarantine your fish. Any fish can have brooklynella but it is particularly common in clownfish...
  11. elfdoctors

    Question about ich

    They are completely different diseases. Freshwater ich can be present in a healthy aquarium. When fish are stressed, (for whatever reason) ich can develop. Saltwater ich is caused by a specific parasite, cryptocaryons. It has to be introduced into a tank. Environmental stress has little to do...
  12. elfdoctors

    What on earth has happened to me??

    They may all be correct. I am only human so I recognize that anything I believe may be wrong. I am still going to try to be the best person I can be. A lot of so-called moral values were not addressed by Jesus. However, your quote was (and this thread seems to be primarily Christian in focus)...
  13. elfdoctors


    A 35 gallon tall tank has a lower stocking capacity than a 35 long tank as the height interferes with oxygenation. The absolute highest stocking ratio I would try to go is 1 inch of the adult length of your fish for every two gallons of your tank (for an established tank like yours).
  14. elfdoctors


    I believe large aquariums tend to quarantine everything before it goes in the display tank. If you do this, it is unlikely that any infectious diseases will be introduced. Quarantining is a hassle when you are getting started. However, it prevents you from adding too many fish too quickly and...
  15. elfdoctors

    Hippo with Ich?

    Originally posted by reefeel I can't put it back in if I use copper right? Correct. Copper permanently binds to live rock and live sand. You might never be able to get inverts to live if Copper has been used. You can reuse the rock after hyposalinity. Hyposalinity will convert live rock into...
  16. elfdoctors

    black spots

    Do you have anemones or corals? Clownfish in particular can develop black spots (hypermelanism) from being stung as they get used to corals. If the black spots are much smaller and look like salt grains, you may have black ich. This requires formalin baths. There are pictures of both of these...
  17. elfdoctors

    Hippo with Ich?

    Freshwater dips do not kill ich as the trophonts are protected in the slime layer of the fish. It is also stressful for the fish. It may make some of the larger trophonts fall off, but it will not treat the disease. They are no longer being recommended. The same applies to raising the...
  18. elfdoctors

    What on earth has happened to me??

    Originally posted by nicetry Funny..I thought the Ten Commandments were set in stone.:confused: I would hope that your church would be allowed to interpret the bible rather than preaching a very literalistic interpretation of certain verses. The above statement is a perfect example of what...
  19. elfdoctors

    Hippo with Ich?

    PaulnLex - The minimum sized QT should be around 10 gallons. It really is determined by what size fish you plan on treating. You should try not to overload a QT with more than 1 inch of fish per 5 gallons (or at most 1 inch per 2 gallons if the tank has been cycled and has been up and running...
  20. elfdoctors

    Hippo with Ich?

    You probably are aware that tangs have a reputation for being ich magnets. This is a very common disease for tangs. Hippos like to squeeze in tight places, particularly to sleep. They rarely scratch themselves from this. However, with a new fish, which is probably quite skittish, it is possible...