Search results

  1. elfdoctors

    gavel on bottom of QT/HT???

    It is generally discouraged because it is harder to keep the tank perfectly clean. You can minimize reflection by painting the bottom of the tank or taping it with black paper. However, if your tank is uncycled, adding some crushed coral from an established aquarium is a great idea to kick...
  2. elfdoctors

    Becoming an M.D.?

    Your classes seem fine. You have the required sciences but you have some liberal arts in there also. The biggest thing is to always take the required science courses designed for people who are majoring in the fields (e.g. don't take physics for poets :) ). Your college will be able to tell if...
  3. elfdoctors


    Here's my blastomusa. I have had it for around 8 months. It has been growing slowly under the 230 watts of PC lighting that I have.
  4. elfdoctors

    reactivate carbon filters???

    It will depend on how many dissolved organics are in your water. However, many people feel that it is inactive after ~24 hours in your tank. After that it does provide some biologic filtration as it has a large surface area and lets bacteria live on it. I only use carbon periodically (e.g. once...
  5. elfdoctors

    Becoming an M.D.?

    Premed was the hard part. There are a lot of people with very good GPAs these days (because of grade inflation) so it is still difficult to get accepted. Make sure you take the required sciences. However, do not shirk away from the liberal arts, these can be valuable because you have to deal...
  6. elfdoctors

    Star poylps

    As long as it likes your tank and grows, it sure will. I bought a single rock from last year and it has more than quadrupled in size spilling onto multiple rocks in the area.
  7. elfdoctors

    reactivate carbon filters???

    It can be done. However, it involves a baking process to vaporize the organic material that was bound to the carbon. It is much better to just get fresh carbon.
  8. elfdoctors

    Becoming an M.D.?

    It depends on which doctor you ask. You may get many different answers. Medicine continues to change rapidly. There are some bitter doctors because they are not making as much money as they hoped, or they don't like the paperwork, or they got burnt out, or they do not like the malpractice...
  9. elfdoctors

    Moving to Wisconson

    Welcome to Wisconsin! However, I cannot give you any advice about places to shop because I live near the Minnesota border.
  10. elfdoctors

    Becoming an M.D.?

    Ask away! I graduated from medical school in 1988. Some things regarding the admission process have changed since then but I can do my best.
  11. elfdoctors


    Popeye is rarely life-threatening. However, if it is caused by poor water quality, it can be a symptom of a life threatening problem. A large water change is always appropriate. Make sure to check your water quality readings. When my fish have had it, they have always recovered without...
  12. elfdoctors

    melefix and copods

    Freshwater dips can be valuable for a few ectoparasites. Unfortunately, it is ineffective for ich. Because the ich trophonts tend to bury into the mucous layer of the fish, they are protected. Part of the reason that hyposalinity has to be done as long as it does is that it does not kill the...
  13. elfdoctors

    melefix and copods

    Tea Tree Extract also enjoyed a surge in popularity to treat human diseases about a decade ago. The other name for this is melaleuca. It seemed to be just a passing fad. There are far fewer people these days who are using this product now (although it's use still shows up in my patients...
  14. elfdoctors

    ich problem

    This is not an ideal situation. Hyposalinity is the preferred treatment for ich. Since this is not particularly stressful to fish, I would probably add the clowns to the treatment tank. If the fish do not look extremely sick, I would probably wait to start hyposalinity until the clowns get...
  15. elfdoctors

    overfeeding of seaweed selects?

    The amount will vary by the size of the tangs and how much the other fish are eating. If the amount is not consumed with several hours, you are probably overfeeding. To maintain their bright colors, tangs require veggies in their diet. However they are omnivores so they will eat other food after...
  16. elfdoctors

    Good Book on Corals?

    I have both books. For a newbie with corals, the Borneman book is VASTLY superior. I only really use the pictures in the other book as it is much less user-friendly for someone who wants to learn the basics.
  17. elfdoctors

    percs with royal gramma

    I have a royal gramma with a pair of occellaris clowns. They do fine together. Royal grammas can get defensive if it was in the tank first. I would probably suggest moving some of the live rock around. This may make the royal gramma feel less secure and less aggressive while your clowns are...
  18. elfdoctors

    Please Help my sick clownfish

    I believe that this could be a case of Lymphocystis. This is a probably viral infection which can pop up unexpectedly. It is often described as cauliflower-like growths on the fish which is what I see in your photograph. Most fish also usually do not appear ill with this disease. Feed the fish...
  19. elfdoctors


    @fishy411 - There are many alliances. Some of them are well organized and have been around and many of them are simply local collections of players which tend to be very loosely organized with little involvement in the overall game. The most important thing to be part of an alliance is to be...
  20. elfdoctors


    It's not a TZAR secret. (Actually I didn't think it was a secret at all!) Astrowars builds in ever enlarging circles around Rana. It also tends to log people into several clusters at a time to make it harder for a group to monopolize a particular area. This allows single players to have a chance...