Search results

  1. elfdoctors

    Brooklynella treatment?

    The preferred treatment for brooklynella is formalin baths. The treatment is well described in the FAQ sticky at the top of this forum. Be careful with the formalin as it can make YOU sick if used improperly.
  2. elfdoctors

    Mail Order Fish Experience

    I've had 9 fish/coral/invert orders from I have always been impressed. I have had a few losses with all those orders but the guarantee has always been respected. I ordered once from a large competitor based in my state and was not as happy with the quality of the livestock.
  3. elfdoctors

    Ick on Yellow Tang

    Originally posted by bostonPro I'm setting up a 20 gallon reef. From what I've read on this board, hyposalinity is the best way to get rid of the ick. So.. should I move the live rock and shrimp over to the 20 gallon and drop the salinity on the 55 gallon? Unless the fish are very small...
  4. elfdoctors


    I'm at -32/-12 for beta 8. There is one other TZAR in my system.
  5. elfdoctors


    I think that the owners of the game are doing well. This is only a part time position for them. I think they are having fun. They make money three ways as far as I know. 1) They sell advertisements. Some of these are directed to certain countries. Click on the advertisement enticing you to buy...
  6. elfdoctors


    If anyone is interested in playing with the TZARS, please sign in at 22:37 (10:37pm) eastern time on Wednesday evening. New players need to register prior to the signon at the following link: This needs to be done now as you need to get a confirmatory...
  7. elfdoctors


    Originally posted by Beth I would suggest staying in this AW thread. It is good to keep info in one thread, and also, this is a SWF BB, not AW. :D Is there some reason you want to start a new thread? Does anyone else see a need for a new thread? This thread is an excellent resource for...
  8. elfdoctors

    Blue Linkia

    No one knows for sure what they eat. Most likely it is the slime off the surface of your rocks. It is usually recommended to have at least 100 pounds of live rock for each linkia in your tank so that they can get enough of what they need to thrive.
  9. elfdoctors

    How many emrald crabs?

    At one point I had 8 emeralds in my 75 gallon. They were my wife's favorite creature in the tank. They also fixed my bubble algae problem. However, as they have gotten larger, they have started to get aggressive. I have seen them eat off the ends of my starfish's legs. I am considering removing...
  10. elfdoctors

    Trade Maroon for Perculas?

    I also agree that you should keep one or the other. You can often get different species of clownfish together as juveniles. However, when they mature, they will tend to fight (except with long, large tank (>100 gal)). As long as you quarantine, you should not have to worry about introducing a...
  11. elfdoctors

    What type of algae does an algae blenny eat?

    I bought one from this site. Initially it would only peck on the rocks of my tank. Eventually it started to eat the seaweed selects that I feed daily. Eventually it started to eat everything (as darknes stated).
  12. elfdoctors


    Players should be near other alliance members if at all possible. This way you can be aided right away. There is very little value to working with an alliance which is not close to you. If any of the players from this thread lands close to TZAR, we can get them to be members. I will start a new...
  13. elfdoctors


    Destroyers have the best attack ratio. Therefore they maximize the probability of victory. This is countered by heavier losses. In the mid-game, cruisers and battleships are of great value especially if you do not have a bonus to defense. However, towards the end of the beta, you worry less...
  14. elfdoctors


    I can actually build 53 battleships daily right now. My sciences are now Bio 28, Econ 20, Energy 29, Math 31, Physics 32 and social 29. I have 521 points. It is a shame that I have to start over. I will end up with 21 planets with my culture almost up to 22. The first few days are crucial to...
  15. elfdoctors


    After much deliberation, I have decided to join with TZAR (and StacyT) and leave the NEMOs for the next beta. I have been concerned that the NEMO alliance is becoming too military in its orientation. Many of the marine aquarists are leaving as the casual players are not as welcome. They also...
  16. elfdoctors


    Carbon will remove dissolved organic material from your water. It will usually add a nice shine to your water. It is controversial how valuable it is. It will remove toxins but if used too often, it will also remove some nutrients from your tank. I run carbon about once a month, often before I...
  17. elfdoctors


    If you are sure the spots are snails, it is unlikely that they caused disease. Are you sure they are moving? Do a search on Stomatella snails if they are. They reproduce in hobbyist tanks. If you have these, you are lucky as you will not have to buy snails again. These tend to be nocturnal. I...
  18. elfdoctors


    It puts one more level of complexity into the game. For alliances, or for different types of players, it does have its role. AllesRoger has toned down many of the bonuses, especially to growth and culture, over the last several betas. There are even some specialized races such as trader and...
  19. elfdoctors


    Belothsurf, I'll do my best. The NEMOs are sorry to see StacyT leave. However, we are getting back at least 5 former members already. Since the NEMOs and TZAR are allies we hope to continue to work together. We are still hashing out stategy for the upcoming beta. New members are welcome. I will...
  20. elfdoctors


    You can continue to play until just before the next beta starts. Some people use up their fleets. Some attack players they wanted to attack during the beta. Some resign and start over to test out a new race. I experimented with artifacts during beta 6.5 as I never got to buy one during beta 6...