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  1. elfdoctors


    Originally posted by oyam1 i also see that nitrate of 100 should not harm most fish. :notsure: I disagree. For hardy fish that statement is probably true. However for sensitive fish (e.g. tangs) and other creatures such as corals, that is way to high. I am trying to lower my own nitrates...
  2. elfdoctors

    Lawnmower Blenny getting too skinny despite good diet.

    Is this a recent addition? Another possibility could be an intestinal infection. I would tend to treat for this only if the fish had been eating well and then stopped. Glad you liked the trilogy! I am waiting until December until the extended edition of Return of the King is released. They did...
  3. elfdoctors

    on his eye

    Was the fish recently netted? Often white spots on the eye are caused by trauma. Keep the water quality up as this can also cause cloudy eyes. If it gets worse, use an antibiotic like Maracyn 2.
  4. elfdoctors

    Lawnmower Blenny getting too skinny despite good diet.

    He is skinny!! How long have you had that fish? They may be very picky initially. Mine was like that initially but then it started eating nori. Now it even eats meaty foods. Have you tried soaking nori with garlic? How about spirulina flakes? How about other veggies, frozen brine/mysis shrimp...
  5. elfdoctors

    no other way to treat???????

    There are some medications out there which purport to treat ich and which are reef-safe. Their performance is very spotty. You might consider trying these. Some fish can also develop a limited immunity against ich which probably explains some of the "successes". You should purchase that tank...
  6. elfdoctors

    quarantine 1st fish?

    The FIRST fish can go directly into the display. The biggest problem is that if your fish does turn out to be sick, you have to remove him anyway to treat. Medications do not belong in a display tank. This could also be a good learning experience for you when you go to try to catch a fish in a...
  7. elfdoctors


    Originally posted by belothsurf Wasn't a parsec, a measure of distance or time in some science fiction movie? Star Wars maybe? A parsec is a real life measurement. I don't think that it has any equivalent in the game. Webster's defines a parsec as "a unit of astronomical distance...
  8. elfdoctors

    What is this??

    A single spot like that may only be lymphocystis. This is a viral infection which can show up periodically in any tank, particularly if the fish has been under stress. No treatment is usually necessary for this disease. I would make sure it stays in the QT for a longer period. Before I would do...
  9. elfdoctors


    The only reliable treatments for ich are hyposalinity and copper. Unfortunately, neither of these treatments can be done with live rock, corals or invertebrates. Consider doing either treatment in another tank (or put the live rock and inverts (and much of your substrate if you are using...
  10. elfdoctors


    Most of the time it is just a ploy. I am not aware that astrowars even measures distances in parsecs. Take the guy out of his misery. Then his ally will not have any airports to launch to.
  11. elfdoctors


    You must have hit player level 1. Congratulations. In the trade screen, you can sell the supply unit you just got if you didn't use it to build something. You can also buy artifacts when you can afford them. You can transfer money to other players, join an alliance, make trade agreements. As...
  12. elfdoctors

    starting 20 gal QT over!!!

    The only filter that I have in my 20gal QT is an Eheim Classic external cannister filter that I picked up at my LFS. It seems to do fine (and only needs to be cleaned about every 3-6 months). Use water from your display tank as well as a small amount of substrate to kickstart your cycle for the...
  13. elfdoctors

    Any Comments

    I agree with Toughguy. Unfortunately, there are no "miracle cures" for marine aquaria. Most of these medications will inhibit the growth of ich for a limited part of its lifecycle. Results are very hit and miss. The only reliable treatments for ich are hyposalinity and copper. Hyposalinity is...
  14. elfdoctors

    TO Q OR NOT TO Q- SWF says no

    I have never had a disease with the multiple orders that I have made from I think that the majority of infections are being acquired from LFS's which cannot clean tanks between arrivals and are forced to mix multiple species. However, considering that there are few effective...
  15. elfdoctors


    I hate when that happens. I have gotten into the habit of copying my message before I press submit. If you have been timed out of the game, you can then paste your message back in with much less effort than would we required if you tried to do it over.
  16. elfdoctors


    Here's my sciences right now: Biology 20 Economy 14 Energy 19 Math 19 Physics 19 Social 22 I have a racial -2 to speed so my speed is improving but is still not great. Instead of looking at the total percentage drop per level of energy, remember that the speeds to whatever planets you want to...
  17. elfdoctors


    Originally posted by RussianSpy I conlinated a plaent and it says I need more culture I thought for every 1 level of cultur you could have a planet, I have 2 plaents now and my culture is at 3. ARGG, Did it araive before my culture hit Leval 3? It may have arrived after your culture hit...
  18. elfdoctors


    Originally posted by RussianSpy When i click on my name it says science 2 everyone else in my system has science 4 how do I get mine higher? Buy some research labs after you have gotten your farms and factories up to at least 6 each. Your science scores will go up faster with every lab you...
  19. elfdoctors

    dragonette white spots posible fin/body rot or ich

    Originally posted by Bang Guy Toxic Skin Mucus. Everytime someone has shown me a Mandarin with Ick it has just been sand getting stuck in their mucus from the way they push sand through their gills. I usually quarantine all my fish. However, doing this for three weeks or more to a mandarin...
  20. elfdoctors


    Ich has a free swimming form. As a result, it is usually recommended to assume that all of your fish have been infected. This is part of the reason that a QT is essential in this hobby.