Search results

  1. elfdoctors

    How long after Ich?

    None of those are reliable treatments for ich so it is difficult to give advice. Most of the "Reefsafe" treatments only inhibit the growth of ich at a particular stage in its lifecycle. When the treatment stops, the disease often reemerges. In your situation, I would make sure that treatment...
  2. elfdoctors

    malachite green

    Malachite green is only a treatment for freshwater ich. It will not do anything for saltwater ich except pollute your tank.
  3. elfdoctors


    at least 3 weeks If it was that easy to tell an infected fish, noone would buy any diseased fish and the diseases would not be as common as they are.
  4. elfdoctors

    lost 2 hippos in 2 mos overnite white spots all over

    Welcome to the Boards. You will find lots of good (and occasional bad) advice on these boards. However, it is obvious that you have been given bad advice so far. Read lots of threads (particularly in the new hobbyists section). You also should consider purchasing a book (e.g. The Conscientious...
  5. elfdoctors


    Kick-ich has a very spotty success record. The only reliable treatments are hyposalinity and copper. Saltwater ich has to be introduced into a tank. Freshwater ich can just appear when the fish are stressed. They are two entirely different diseases caused by very different parasites.
  6. elfdoctors

    something wrong in tank HELP!!!!!!!!

    Black spots suggests black ich. The appearance is similar except the salt-grain-appearing spots are black. This is an entirely different different disease from regular ich. It is treated with formalin baths. This disease can be hard to see and is typically noticed on light colored fish first...
  7. elfdoctors

    PLEASE HELP - Sick Fire Shrimp!

    There is a lot less known about invertebrate diseases than fish diseases (and this hobby is still in the early stages of understanding the fish diseases). However, I will try to help. The most common reasons for a shrimp to get ill are related to poor water quality. They are particularly...
  8. elfdoctors

    Yellow tang: Going to die or normall

    We need a lot more information. :notsure: For instance - how long have you had your tank set up? When was the last fish added? Do you quarantine? What are your readings? What do you feed? Check out the stickies at the top of this forum to make it easier to help you. Any chance of getting a...
  9. elfdoctors


    The life cycle for ich is actually thought to be 23-28 days and can be influenced by temperature. I agree to wait a month to be on the safe side. You can use this time to get a Quarantine tank established. New arrivals should stay in quarantine for ~3 weeks before being added to your display...
  10. elfdoctors

    Sick Clown?

    Brine shrimp do not have great nutritional value (unless you grow your own in solutions that are saturated in nutrients). They are more of a candy food to get your fish to eat. Your spots may actually be from malnutrition. Your fish looks large enough for a more varied diet. Formula One...
  11. elfdoctors

    Ahhhhhhhhhh Ich!!

    Slow down. That is an excessive amount of life in a very young tank. A young tank like yours should only have a few fish added at a time and wait for a few weeks before adding more. The tangs are particularly sensitive to poor water quality. There are many other waste products that are generated...
  12. elfdoctors

    YT With White Spots

    To be safe, a QT has to cycle just like your regular tank. In an emergency, using tank water will definitely speed up the process. You should go about adding water back to your tank the same way you do a water change. The tank does not know where the old water went. However, a spot like this...
  13. elfdoctors

    HELP! Cotton Wool Disease

    It's your tank. I probably would if it were my tank. I would watch the fish closely and make sure that it got excellent nutrition. If the disease seemed to progress, then I would isolate the fish and use Maracyn 2 at double strength.
  14. elfdoctors

    Hitchhiker ID

    Thanks Bang! You're usually the expert! However, I thought zebra mussels were freshwater? :notsure: Or is there a saltwater type also? The freshwater variety does not seem to have much color. If it is a zebra mussel, is it likely to be a problem? I know the freshwater variety is greatly...
  15. elfdoctors

    HELP! Cotton Wool Disease

    It is usually not recommended to use antibiotics in a display tank. I do not believe that this is fungal. Fungal diseases are quite rare in marine aquaria because the salt prevents most species of fungus from growing. Either of the possibilities that I mentioned can look like a bread mold...
  16. elfdoctors

    HELP! Cotton Wool Disease

    Does the fish have any other symptoms? Is it still eating well. How are your water readings?. If your readings are good, the fish is behaving normally, and everything else in the tank is fine, I would think this might be lymphocystis. Check out the diseased fish sticky at the top of the forum...
  17. elfdoctors

    Sick blenny?

    I am not sure what is in the algae flake food. I would recommend trying to feed some nori (dried seaweed) on a clip and some spirulina. If you are primarily using flake food, formula 2 is a good choice for fish who need plants in their diet.
  18. elfdoctors

    Hitchhiker ID

    I was cleaning out the inside of my cannister filter when I found this hitchhiker. There was only one. It is clearly a bivalve. It is quite small. This is the best picture I could get. The ruler measures centimeters. The picture does show its striped colors fairly nicely. Any help is appreciated.
  19. elfdoctors

    Coffee Makers...

    Another vote for Mr Coffee! I am still using the same one that my wife and I were given as a wedding gift 10 years ago. I wish all our appliances would be as durable!
  20. elfdoctors

    Sick blenny?

    If you have not added new fish to the tank recently, I probably would not be worried about infectious diseases. What are you feeding the fish? Lawnmower blennies need a lot of algae in their diet. However, after they have been in your tank for a while, they will eat almost anything. Your loss...