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  1. dazed1

    Feeding a saddle back puffer

    I just picked up the cutest saddle back valentini puffer yesterday. After accimilation i fed it some frozen brine shrimp soaked in garlic. It ate it quite fast and almost all of it ! What food do they prefer ? Do they need any specific care ? I have two other 3 stripe damsel's along with him...
  2. dazed1

    Saddle Valentini Puffer

    Like i said, I would not mind keeping only a saddle back puffer. Would it be a good idea ?
  3. dazed1

    Saddle Valentini Puffer

    How are these fish to keep ? I Currently have a 20Long with about 20lbs of LR and about 40lbs of LS. I currently have 2 small 3 stripe damsel's which I would be either give away to another entusiast or to the LFS. My salenity is at 1.022, all other level's are fine. My tank has been running...
  4. dazed1

    Is my Clown Dieing ?

    Well, it finally passed away late last night :( . I did try garlic to enduce it to eat. But the shrimp ate the brine shrimp and not the clown. I also had my toad stool die on me this past weekend. I'm keeping the tank free of any more inhabitants. All i have now is a few snails/crabs and my 1...
  5. dazed1

    freshwater ?
  6. dazed1

    Is my Clown Dieing ?

    Originally posted by ntvflgirl Your LFS probably won't take a clown with ich. Usually their tanks are all connected to the same water and filtration supply, and therefore share water between tanks. Have you tried using garlic? Some swear by it. It's mostly used to prevent ich, but I have...
  7. dazed1

    Is my Clown Dieing ?

    Originally posted by newreefers If he has white spots he probably has ich. do you have a qt tank? try going to the disease/treatment section on the board. there is a ton of info about ich there. Beth knows her stuff. I did read there and unfortunately i don't have a QT tank :( . I am...
  8. dazed1

    Is my Clown Dieing ?

    I've had this one perc clown in my tank for about 3 week's now. Last week, i added another perc which died this saturday. Later found out if died from ick. SO i started treating my tank with kick ick. My orginial perc clown used to eat everyday and eat plenty. After introducing the new perc it...
  9. dazed1

    Itch problem

    Originally posted by jwtrojan44 If you only have the one fish, you can easily get the problem under control. Cryptocaryon (sw ich) is an obligate parasite that needs a host in order for it's life cycle to continue. No host=no parasite. As crytpo does not affect inverts, the easiest method would...
  10. dazed1

    Pic of my toad stool

    Originally posted by j21kickster cut the head off- re-attatch it to rock with glue or a net or string and the stalk will grow a new head :eek: !! I would feel scared to do that !
  11. dazed1

    Stuff growing on rock's (pic included)

    Originally posted by SaltyEEL Excuse me they are NOT harmful Thank's. Got me worried for a second there :p
  12. dazed1

    Pic of my toad stool

    Thank's guys :) It wasnt opening for a few day's last week and it got me worried :( . But i guess it was just getting used to :D Originally posted by 10k Looks Great! You're not looking to frag it anytime soon are you? If so, let me know...;) lol, well, i just bought it about 2 week's ago...
  13. dazed1

    Pic of my toad stool

    Here's a pic of my toad stool :). Tell me what you people think.
  14. dazed1

    Stuff growing on rock's (pic included)

    Could some one please tell me what these thing's are (white tube like structure's). its on a few rock's. Sorry if the pic's are big :) My tank has been up for 2 month's. I did have high phosphate's begining of this week. That is when i added the Phosphate buffer (?). Due to the high...
  15. dazed1

    Crabs, Snails, Shrimp, ALL DEAD!! Help!

    Also since you do have an algae problem, you should get your phosphate's checked.
  16. dazed1

    sea horses . Alot of good info. :)
  17. dazed1

    Did Somebody Eat My Goby?

    Did it jump out ???
  18. dazed1

    Free U-Build It Package to the 150th

    Originally posted by yetex don't think i will watch it all night but here is a post to help out My thought's exactly :) Good luck to whoso ever win's :)
  19. dazed1

    Mechanical Filter

    Ok, cool. I'm going to leave it on all the time beside's feeding time. :)
  20. dazed1

    Mechanical Filter

    Originally posted by nolofinwe id take it out like you described, especially during feedings. if you go full blown reef you might only want to run it a few hours a day. i dont even use one anymore, the water flows into my refugium and most detrius settles there. I'm not using a refugium. The...