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  1. balistidae

    fuji finepixA201

    thanks...he is getting to be a little over 7 inches. I have been playing more with the camera and i can get the rock looking good but the fish ALWAYS turn out blurry. Its like the camera cant focus on their movement.
  2. balistidae

    Red Sea Prizm Skimmer Users

    mine took a little over a week for the break in so i wouldnt worry yet
  3. balistidae

    2 shark egg hatched

    what kind of sharks are they??? cant wait to see the pics!!
  4. balistidae

    Zebra moray eat a lion?

    the zebra is one of the most docile species. All of your fish should be alrite...they do get very large though. Maybe also check out snowflak eels.
  5. balistidae

    fuji finepixA201

    here is one taken with the flash...i think it is much more clear but it still isnt the effect i am after...i think i might just get a new camera
  6. balistidae

    fuji finepixA201

    i tried the macro and didnt really get any better of results...this is the best of many and i still think the camera should be able to do better.
  7. balistidae

    fuji finepixA201

    its the A201 not the A210
  8. balistidae

    fuji finepixA201

    macro mode??? i have no idea what that even is or how to get to it...thanks for all the advice niger12
  9. balistidae

    filter broke

    yea they will be alrite
  10. balistidae

    red sea hang-on prizm

    mine stopped pumping air once but there was just a kink in the air hose.
  11. balistidae

    Prizm Skimmer

    i have the prizm deluxe.. I dont use either of the barbs. I have about a 2' air line connected to the supplied one. I did this to quiet it down and it is collecting a ton of foam. The priming plug is only for starting the skimmer to get all the air out. Use the hose barb or do what i do.
  12. balistidae

    fuji finepixA201

    i would love to be getting quality like that
  13. balistidae

    Updated Minibow Tank Shots 01-14-04

    how big is the nano and what did you pay for the camera if ytou dont mind me askin
  14. balistidae

    fuji finepixA201

    i have tried all these methods and none have worked:confused: its kinda frusterating. Is it me or is it just a crappy camera??thanks for all the advoice everyone!!
  15. balistidae

    Converting to aggressive....

    i have a niger trigger in with a bunch of hermits and so far he hasnt touched them...he has been in the for a couple months. I would aslo not add any more fish to that 55 because right now it is a bit overstocked.
  16. balistidae

    fuji finepixA201

    thank you very much guys...i willl try to take some pics today and get them up tonite and see if i have improved
  17. balistidae

    feeding a sallylightfoot

    i use to give my sally a piece of mysis by hand..he loved it
  18. balistidae


    i agree...i think they are on the large list of fish that shouldnt be taken from the ocean
  19. balistidae

    fuji finepixA201

    anyone have any ideas??
  20. balistidae


    the price sounds good but i cant say i recomend this fish. They are extremely agressive and will most likely not get along with anything in your tank. They also get VERY large and require a tank to suit. If you are looking for something agressive do some research on triggers!! hope this helps