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  1. balistidae

    quite a perdicament

    its an internal overflow and the glass is underneath the tank on the bottom. I have to get to it through my stand. I think i am going to try sliding some fishing line through it....anyone else have an idea??? thanks, Greg
  2. balistidae

    quite a perdicament

    About a year ago i siliconed a small piece of glass to the underside of my overflow. I did this to maintain a small amount of water in there because i had an eel and didnt want him drying up in the empty overflow. Now the time has come to set up my sump and i cant get the darn glass off the...
  3. balistidae

    question on PVC

    thanks for the replies...any certain brand names i should go after for the glue and primer?? thanks, Greg
  4. balistidae

    question on PVC

    hey everyone, I am just about to plumb my sump. I have never worked with pvc before so i was hoping someone could give me a quick how-to on glueing the joints and what not. Or any other valuable information i may need to know. Thanks alot, Greg
  5. balistidae

    silicone drying time

    i am adding some baffles to my sump and i am wondering how long the silicon needs to set up before water can be added?? thanks, Greg
  6. balistidae

    Another sump design...

    Revised design haha....and suggestions??? thanks, Greg
  7. balistidae

    Another sump design...

    any more thoughts???
  8. balistidae

    Another sump design...

    thanks for the replies. I was using the bioball areas to control the caulerpa from "migrating" out of the fuge and bungiong up the rest of the system. What if i just filled the pump area a little more so the water wont be falling so far?? thanks again, Greg
  9. balistidae

    Another sump design...

    hey everyone. i have a 45 gallon that i am looking to use for a sump. I havnt done one before and from what i have gathered from other posts this is what i caame up with. Please criticize it and what not. I would like to know if the water level on the right side will stay high enough to run my...
  10. balistidae

    scooter blenny eating habits

    hey everyone, i have a scooter blenny and i have not seen him eat yet. Do you think he is just scaveging? I have been feeding garlic soaked brine and mysis. thanks, Greg
  11. balistidae

    I Want A Clown Trigger!!!!!!!!!!

    i would stay away from the picasso also. They need a much bigger tank than a 72. They love to swim and they cant do that in a 72
  12. balistidae

    CLown Trigger For Sale

    still have him but i wouldnt know how to go about shipping him
  13. balistidae

    The un-keepable fish....

    Titan Trigger unless you have a system that can handle a 2' trigger swimming around all day.
  14. balistidae

    CLown Trigger For Sale

    i have a 7" clown trigger for sale. He is very healthy and in show condition. I am located in Alberta, taking offers.
  15. balistidae

    how to clean a hydrometer

    thanks guys..I was just beginning to worry about acuracy seeing how the needle sticks sometimes...Greg
  16. balistidae

    how to clean a hydrometer

    anyone have any tips on how to clean a swingarm hydrometer??? thanks, Greg
  17. balistidae

    acrylic tanks

    solid colour backgrounds are the only way to go!!
  18. balistidae

    red stone fish how big and how deadly

    all i can say is dont touch that stone fish
  19. balistidae

    blue damsels

    thanks alot...i will give em a go
  20. balistidae

    blue damsels

    i have a 90 gallon agressive...i am looking to add some color. I am thinking maybe three or four blue damsels....i just cant remember if more than one get along in the same tank. thanks.