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  1. balistidae

    puffer question

    just wondering if puffers realease a "poison" when they die? I just lost a stars and stripes to a darn powerhead. Now my niger trigger and panther grouper are both breathing heavy and immobile. My water checks out fine. I was talking to another aquarist and he had a similar experience...any...
  2. balistidae

    carbon lifespan

    i was just wondering what the effective "lifespan" of carbon is. I am using the sheets that look like filter floss. Are there any negative side effects of not changing it frequently?? thanks, Greg
  3. balistidae

    clown trigger

    not to rain on your parade but you are going to have problems on many levels. First of all that tank is quite overstocked. The clown most likely will pick your volitan apart seeing how it is a more agressive trigger than the volitan and bursa. Also it is a risk mixing that many agressive...
  4. balistidae

    durso question

    i am running a durso standpipe. I am just wondering how much noise it should be making and where the noise should be coming from. I am using 1 1/4 inch pipe. I just read that they can be "silent" and mine definately is not. I know there will be some noise at the sump where the water is very...
  5. balistidae

    I Have Won... I Am The Man!!!

  6. balistidae

    how often should i feed my SFE?

    i like to feed mine about every third day. I usually feed him enough until he starts refusing the food. I have a friend that also uses this method and it has worked quite well.
  7. balistidae

    Did anyone or anyone have this fish?

    they had one at a LFS here in a 3000 gallon system and it died due to not eating.
  8. balistidae

    My toadfish just tried to eat my clown trigger

    you should read into the consequences of feeding your marine fish freshwater feeders.
  9. balistidae

    NEW Pink tail trigger

    I currently have a pinktail and a SFE together. They get along fine. Also in the tank i have a Niger trigger, A stars and stripes and a small panther grouper....everyone gets along very well.
  10. balistidae


    the bigger the better
  11. balistidae

    sump + evaporation??

    has anyone noticed a major increase in evaporation since adding a high flow sump?? Greg
  12. balistidae

    yet another plumbing issue....

    i just did this and it works like a charm!! thanks guys!
  13. balistidae


    put a sponge on that powerhead or even a bioball
  14. balistidae

    pictures of fuges please.

    your best bet would just be to search for "fuge"...there are tons of threads on it. Greg
  15. balistidae

    where to get a check valve locally?

    is there anywhere on the line you can drilla safety hole?
  16. balistidae

    yet another plumbing issue....

    I just started up my 45g sump/fuge for my 90. After being misled by the excellent help at home depot i am left with a plumbing problem. In my sump i have my fuge on the left. I was trying to feed the fuge with flow from the drain from the display tank through a ball valve. I wanted to buy a 45...
  17. balistidae

    spray bar question

    anyone have any pics of theirs??
  18. balistidae

    spray bar question

    i am just about to add a 12'' spray bar to my return line. It is gonna get about 800gph. I am using 1/4'' PVC pipe. I am wondering how many holes to drill and what size they need to be. I want to get maximum output from my pump...thanks,Greg
  19. balistidae

    quite a perdicament

    thanks for all the ideas guys..i made one last try with a very thin putty knife before i went and bought the exacto and it worked great!!! Now on to the plumbing. Greg
  20. balistidae

    quite a perdicament

    haha i dont want any famous last words...i will have to look into the exacto knife setups i think. I just tried a guitar string and some fishing line but they snapped relatively easy...