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  1. aquatica-tech

    Sailfin Tang

    What I did was get one of those herb mashing bowls, and mashed up the garlic then added a little water to get more juices out, whatever you can do along those lines
  2. aquatica-tech

    Fish Dieoff

    The canister and the wet/dry can be a problem too, might want to switch that out with a sump if you can
  3. aquatica-tech

    Sailfin Tang

    Fresh Garlic Cloves from like the baskets in the grocery store not bottled garlic the actual bulb
  4. aquatica-tech

    Sailfin Tang

    Naw whatever food i would give them I would soak it with garlic and put it in there
  5. aquatica-tech

    who has the most power

    Just wondering on the Call Of Duty was that your headshot or just part of an AVI either way its tight
  6. aquatica-tech

    who has the most power

    Well my two firefish gobys used to be but now that the sailfin is in there he's starting to take over
  7. aquatica-tech

    Sailfin Tang

    Well my firefish gobys little trigger on the top was frayed and it healed in a few days cause I dipped there food in garlic. So if you put some nutrition in his food itll heal pretty quick i think
  8. aquatica-tech

    Sailfin Tang

    THEY EAT LIKE HOGS, mine eats every bit of food that passes him so
  9. aquatica-tech

    cocepod question

    Youll need like the double numbers from your tank to rocks for example 55 gallon might need 100 pounds im just giving an example of how much rock you might need. And a fuge would help
  10. aquatica-tech

    Sailfin Tang

    there friendly to most fish from what i know I have a Bar goby, 2 Firefish and a bi-color blennie in my 55 gallon and he dosent get aggresive or anything
  11. aquatica-tech

    Do Peppermints Eat Pods ?

    Thats ok im kinda touchy on things sorry
  12. aquatica-tech

    Sailfin Tang

    But your going to need a 100+ gallon tank for him when hes full grown
  13. aquatica-tech

    Sailfin Tang

    QT him if you do take him
  14. aquatica-tech

    Do Peppermints Eat Pods ?

    I love the sarcasm thank you for that
  15. aquatica-tech

    Sailfin Tang

    If it was me, I would check if he eats, if he does I WOULD TAKE him there beutiful fish. I got one and hes got lots of personality, wow just a missing eye, itll make the take look more original lol not all fish are perfect
  16. aquatica-tech

    Do Peppermints Eat Pods ?

    For some reason my pod population has gone down significantly, I also have 2 Firefish gobys and a Bi-Color blenny but I dont think these would eat it or would they ?
  17. aquatica-tech

    120 Gallon Transfer Set-Up (with pictures)

    I was thinking if I get two metal halide pendants wouldnt there be a kinda shadow in the middle. And yes it is a freshwater and im planning on switching it from my 55 gallon due to the fact that my sailfin will get to big
  18. aquatica-tech

    120 Gallon Transfer Set-Up (with pictures)

    Man no help , I want to use metal halides any suggestions
  19. aquatica-tech

    Any 120 Gallons Out There

    Well throught all of the pages of these forums I barely see people with 120 gallon tanks. Post some pics of your unique 120 gallon tank.
  20. aquatica-tech

    Tank size and price

    What does the tank come with ?