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  1. vtecbro007

    LFS in LA, Cali

    but ill try the other two, joker you got a reef?
  2. vtecbro007

    LFS in LA, Cali

    yea scales n tails is good but lately there fish havnt been looking so healthy
  3. vtecbro007

    These guys are unreal . . .

    yea i no wat commerical you talking about,...i thought this sport was called freejumping or something liek that,...i think the has a lot to do with mental strenght,...the body can handle sooo much more than humanly possible
  4. vtecbro007

    IO or Oceanic?

    whats so funny? i wanna laugh too
  5. vtecbro007

    This light OK?

    umm im getting around 440 watts of pc right now when i get ma new 90 then when ma tank has matured im going to add dual 175 so yea
  6. vtecbro007

    Sump or not?

    i would say screw the bio balls get enought live rock 40-55 lb i would say live sand is good too,...sump adds more water volume to your tank which makes the water parameters more stable. IMO sumps are a must
  7. vtecbro007

    My 250 Gallon

    i think he need a lot more rock hehe
  8. vtecbro007

    LFS in LA, Cali

    i live in burbank like any good fish stores around there
  9. vtecbro007

    LFS in LA, Cali

    Anyone no any good lfs in LA,...when i say good i mean the whole nine yards,...nice live rock,,...and prices?
  10. vtecbro007

    WATER CHANGE on 10g

    after cycle is done do a 20% then every week do a 10%
  11. vtecbro007

    Promblem with skimmer! Please Help

    hav you added any chemicals?
  12. vtecbro007

    Fish pics...

    i love your pink dot goby and purple firefirst i have the regular ones,..did i mention how much i love the quality of your pics and the coloration of the fish
  13. vtecbro007

    My 250 Gallon

    is it going to be a fish only for life? cus that would make a very nice reef with those fish
  14. vtecbro007

    This light OK?

    pc are powerful compared to NO but not VHO/MH's i dont no much about corals so i cant name any hehe
  15. vtecbro007

    Could my Ocellaris be sick?

    you cant get a pic?
  16. vtecbro007

    This light OK?

    if you get the duals on a 40 you'll be pulling around 5 watts per gal,...some anenomes are okay and sofies,...nothing hardy.
  17. vtecbro007

    DIY Moon light and fans w/ a twist!

    finally,......success,... :happy:
  18. vtecbro007

    Spring butterflies

    on butterflies its like hit or miss either it will chop on the corals or not,...
  19. vtecbro007

    75 Gal. Pics 1 Month

    haha i have almost same fish combo,...clowns,...reg firefish,..and same goby. but im selling my tank right now so i can go bigger and better