Search results

  1. vtecbro007

    DIY Moon light and fans w/ a twist!

    thx i didnt no that
  2. vtecbro007

    Best Sand Cleaner?

    get a sand swifting goby cheap too under 20
  3. vtecbro007

    Hole = piping?

    btw awesom tank
  4. vtecbro007

    Hole = piping?

    i didnt no that,....i want my piping to be 1''
  5. vtecbro007

    My new DIY project

    holy smokes!
  6. vtecbro007

    How much for liverock?

    4.50 to 5.50 in so cali
  7. vtecbro007

    I just got a loaded aquarium

    theyll get use it,...ive had a puffer in my tank for about 10 months and nothing can scary it,...shake the tank, put your hands in it,...etc. but all the new comers are sissies
  8. vtecbro007

    can a tank cycle at 6 months?

    my water use to be like thtat too with my nasty seaclone skimmer not that i paid 40 bucks for a new jebo 2003 skimmer my water is crystal clean i think this skimmer ranks with the aquaC my friend has.
  9. vtecbro007

    48" Coralife Compact Florescent (safe for acrylic?)?

    get the 4 65watts for corals but thats still low for corals in my opinion,...only 3.5 watts per gal
  10. vtecbro007

    DIY Moon light and fans w/ a twist!

    im going to do this in about a month or so when i get my 90
  11. vtecbro007

    DIY Moon light and fans w/ a twist!

    yea but some older model liek 100 watt power supplies dont have that feature for some reason
  12. vtecbro007

    My new tank set up

    a deep sand bed is the best way to go
  13. vtecbro007

    spider anemone? thing... please ID???

    take the rock out pour a lil bit of marine salt on it and rub it in
  14. vtecbro007

    Hole = piping?

    if i have a 1'' hole in my tank what size piping do i use,...for my new tank i want to use 1'' piping so i dont no what size hole i would need :confused:
  15. vtecbro007

    I just got a loaded aquarium

    260 watt PC for 80 haha from where?
  16. vtecbro007

    120 finally up and running

    what lighting
  17. vtecbro007

    Tank Progresion

    haha i love it,....i hate it when ppl put rule of thumps on things and treat them as comandments,...theres a lot of other varibles that play along witht he rule,....nice job overall
  18. vtecbro007

    filtration question

    canister is no good for sw make a sump to eazy to miss out on plus you can use on of the pumps of the fluvals haha im useing my old fluval 403 pump as my return pump
  19. vtecbro007

    DIY Moon light and fans w/ a twist!

    yea they are pointed inword its two wire because its a comp fan