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  1. kronnk7

    New pictures of my 90 gallon lots of new stuff

    Thanks, I love my tank. :joy: In the last month I've gotton my two favorite fish. I got my mandrian and my blue powder tang. The green zoa colony I got it at work for $25. Can you believe that!!!
  2. kronnk7

    New pictures of my 90 gallon lots of new stuff

    I've gotten alot of new stuff since last updates
  3. kronnk7

    WTT or Sale to fund corals Will Ship (Ohio)

    Hey cyber I have some gsp and assorted zoas ( green, brown with orange centers, and brown with metalic centers ) and purple mushrooms that I could trade. You live about 2 hours and 40 minutes away from me. If you're interested let me know.
  4. kronnk7

    I'm looking for a protein skimmer!

    I have a corlife ss for up to 65 gallons. Check my post for pics. $75 shipped
  5. kronnk7

    Time Sensitive Question… Please Help…

    I don't know about them being veggie only. I feed them feeder fish about once a week and they love it.
  6. kronnk7

    Time Sensitive Question… Please Help…

    HI, With chiclids you don't really need salt or any of that kind of stuff. For a 75 gal. I would go with a fluval 405, it's one of the best canister filters on the market. Clean it about once a month and replace the carbon and you won't have any trouble with it. I would go with a sand bottom for...
  7. kronnk7

    fish in a 10 gallon

    I have a very astablished 10 gallon. I have a deep sand bed ( about 2 1/2 inches ) and I had a pair ocelliaus clowns in it for about 6 months then I moved to a new 90 gallon reef. Right now I have a mini reef in it mushrooms, zoas, and green star polyps. I also have a big ball of cheatomorphs in...
  8. kronnk7

    WTT or Sale to fund corals Will Ship (Ohio)

    hi What would you want for the chiller? I have zoas, purple shrooms, and green star polyps.
  9. kronnk7

    looking for a hob skimmer

    It wouldn't be that bad. I have a 29 gallon QT tank and it would be like having another powerhead in it. I have a uv sterilizer on the qt so didn't want the skimmer on there too. But it's up to you guys.
  10. kronnk7


    They look like a happy couple.
  11. kronnk7

    GSP Question

    I agree with everyone above. But they are a nice color and they do need to be fragged about every two weeks. I use the frags to buy more coral from work. :cheer:
  12. kronnk7

    looking for a hob skimmer

    I'll probably will still have it.
  13. kronnk7

    looking 4 a skimmer

    I'll take $75 shipped anywhere in the US 2 day USPS.
  14. kronnk7

    looking for a hob skimmer

    No problem.
  15. kronnk7

    looking for a hob skimmer

    I checked on shipping and it will be about $12-$15. So I'll take $75 shipped 2 day USPS. LMK
  16. kronnk7

    looking for a hob skimmer

    Hi I have a coralife super skimmer. It's rated for up to 65 gallons but it would work really good on a 30 gallon. I want $65 for it. It's about 2-3 months old and works perfect.
  17. kronnk7

    looking 4 a skimmer

    I have a Coralife SS for up to 65 gallons. I upgrade to a 90 gal. from a 55 and don't need it anymore. I'd like to get $65 for it. LMK
  18. kronnk7

    WTB coralife super skimmer or aqua c remora

    Are you still wanting a Coralife SS? I still have it.
  19. kronnk7

    I am back in the hobby

    Welcome back, get your money ready to be eaten!
  20. kronnk7

    What Do You Feed Your Mushrooms?

    Mushrooms are filter feeders, you really don't have to feed them. I shoot marinesnow every 4 days into my tank to help all of my corals. But if you keep your water quality up to par you should be cool. Oh yeah, you do have to have good lights. :happyfish