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  1. kronnk7

    FISH: Small tank

    I think you could put a firefish or a jawfish in a 20 gallon.
  2. kronnk7

    WTB coralife super skimmer or aqua c remora

    I have a SS up 65 for sell.
  3. kronnk7

    Look what 12 bucks gets you.

    Hey eye look what I got for free today at work.
  4. kronnk7

    Look at my new tankmate!!!

    And this the mother colony of zoas that I said I was fragging to spread better.
  5. kronnk7

    Look at my new tankmate!!!

    I got a Lg. Haitian Condy anemone for free today at work.
  6. kronnk7

    More than one clown in tank??

    I don't know about the mixing clowns thing. I have an Ocell. and a Tomatoe in the same tank and they are best friends. I wouldn't put a maroon in with anything but a maroon. They tend to be a little mean.
  7. kronnk7

    Look at my new tankmate!!!

    I'm not sure if they did. They are two different kinds of clowns. I know that they could go through the process but nothing would happen. I wish they would tomatoe/ocell. clowns would rock.
  8. kronnk7

    need help please!!

    I have a 90 gallon reef, they are great tanks. I use a sump but if you want a FOWLR tank you could get a Coralife super skimmer ( I have the 125 model on mine) they are the best. I also swear by the fluval filters, if cleaned once a month they are great filters. I have fluval filters on my 29...
  9. kronnk7

    Look at my new tankmate!!!

    In one of the pics I have a big ball of zoas. I'm going to frag them today, and try to get them to spread better. I'll post pics when I'm done to let you guys know how it goes.
  10. kronnk7

    Help with my new Refugium!

    I have all cheato in my sump and I leave my light on all the time.
  11. kronnk7

    Fish Recommendation

    I would say a jawfish would cool.
  12. kronnk7

    Help with my new Refugium!

    Yeah I'd say they'd be ok. My hermits don't eat my reef, Nassy snails are perfect. Baby bristle stars would be cool. Make sure they are black ones, green and red can be predators.
  13. kronnk7

    Look at my new tankmate!!!

    I feel you man, I had to take out 115 lbs. of LR to get mine. :mad: GOOD LUCK! They're very smart.
  14. kronnk7

    My New Tank!

    Nice tank drew, very nice. I have my eye on a 180 at work for an upgrade in a couple years. Make sure you keep us updated.
  15. kronnk7

    Help with my new Refugium!

    I just let mine float. If I was you I'd get another 5-10 lbs of LR too. You can put snails, starfish, and some small hermits in a refuge.
  16. kronnk7

    Fish Recommendation

    I'll back you up fanker. I have a Scopas Tang in my 90 gallon reef and he's cool. I also have two clowns in there with him and they get along fine. Scopas Tangs are only aggressive with other tangs. But it's up to you, they are pretty cool. :happyfish
  17. kronnk7

    Look what 12 bucks gets you.

    I have my eye on a copper banded butterfly for them. :happyfish I only have about three or four of them so I'm not worried for now. I work at the store, I'll just order one. :joy:
  18. kronnk7

    My new zoos

    I have a small frag of those myself. I love them under the moonlights. I have about 10-15 polyps on mine. Did you get them on reef central?
  19. kronnk7

    Look what 12 bucks gets you.

    Eye I was going to get one saturday but the only one we had in didn't have it's pom pom.
  20. kronnk7

    Look at my new tankmate!!!

    That's what I thought but orange? The pics don't let you see it very well. It's the same color as orange sponge. I couldn't get that luck. I'm just hopeing it's not anything bad.