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  1. kronnk7


  2. kronnk7


    What kind of trade would you consider for the 250w halide? I have some zoas and a uv ster. for a possible trade.
  3. kronnk7

    Lots of new updates

    I hope my clowns won't turn on each other. I got my mandrain pretty cheap but that's because I work there. I love him though. And thanks for noticing my tank guys I've worked really hard on it.
  4. kronnk7

    Lots of new updates

    My clowns don't fight. They all just kinda school together. My mandrain is my favorite.
  5. kronnk7

    Lots of new updates

    A few more.
  6. kronnk7

    Lots of new updates

    It's been awhile since I've posted some updates of my 90 gallon reef we go. ***)
  7. kronnk7

    mass fish keeping without copper?????

    We already have uv's on the systems. I think I'll try the cupri. like Beth was talkinging about I read up on it alittle and it sounds good.
  8. kronnk7

    mass fish keeping without copper?????

    Thanks Beth as always the voice of the expert. My store is part of a large chain of stores and I'm tring to clean things up a little. The good thing with my store is that they like the all natural way of doing things. I'll see about maybe soaking our pellet food in xgarlic to maybe help. I'm...
  9. kronnk7

    Im Not Going Crazy

    Yeah, I see it every friday when I do water changes at work. Or when I stir their tank a little.
  10. kronnk7

    Im Not Going Crazy

    I would say it's just the different in the temp. of the water you put in the tank. Tanks as you know do change colors under stress and other certain conditions. If the fish doesn't color back up after a day or so then I would worry. JMO
  11. kronnk7

    mass fish keeping without copper?????

    Hi guys, I need some help. I was made SWF manager at the lfs and was wanting some advice on how to keep ich under control without dosing with copper. I've been thinking about how and I'm not sure how to. Please guys help.
  12. kronnk7

    Questions about fraging

    If you go into the archives you could find a fragging thread for just about every coral. If you can't find a certain coral fragging thread you can find a coral in the same family or close to the one you want to frag. The archive has a wealth of knowledge use it for free. Oh yeah, I always use...
  13. kronnk7

    answer plz.

    Hi, I never use to use supplements but I just started to use Coral Accel. made by Kent. It seems to be helping my zoas stay little brighter.
  14. kronnk7

    What is your fav tv show

    Lost family guy The factor ( Bill O'Rielly ) Cold case without a trace
  15. kronnk7

    I'm looking for a protein skimmer!

    Yes it's a HOB style. You can also use it in a sump.
  16. kronnk7

    I'm looking for a protein skimmer!

    yes, It's
  17. kronnk7

    New pictures of my 90 gallon lots of new stuff

    Nice, it looks healthy. I have about 110-120 lbs. of lr in my 90 and mine is always pickin at it. Nice zoas by the way.
  18. kronnk7

    The Most Beautiful Fish?

    My two favorite fish are a powder blue tang and a mandrian dragnet. JMO
  19. kronnk7

    New pictures of my 90 gallon lots of new stuff

    I have an advantage I'm the swf manager, I just order it. I can't wait til you get one. They have so much personality you'll love it.
  20. kronnk7

    New pictures of my 90 gallon lots of new stuff

    Here's my mandrian!!