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  1. armywife1314

    which is easier?

    Originally Posted by DeltaBlack22 This question would make me believe you have little to no experience with either coral or anemone and should probably look into soft corals to begin with. That is a typical starting point in coral and if your lighting permits you will be able to move on to LPS...
  2. armywife1314

    dead goby? he was fine!

    good to know i dont have to drip that long for future reference. i thought i would try to compensate and let him kinda get less stressed but i guess it back fired. lesson learned. ill pass it on.
  3. armywife1314

    which is easier?

    what do you think is easier to keep alive and healthy? anenomes or corals any type of either.
  4. armywife1314

    dead goby? he was fine!

    i did a drip line for 2 1/2 hours, and yes the lfs had just gotten the goby in the day before. also i put some chaeto in and did a water change so the nitrates are super low.
  5. armywife1314

    dead goby? he was fine!

    Originally Posted by fishfreak1242 Could you give more information about your tank? How long has it been set up? Stocklist? How much LR? How deep is the sand bed? Things like that. cant remember quite how long maybe a month or so. its a 72 gal bowfront. 80 pounds of LR. 3 1/2 inch sand bed. i...
  6. armywife1314

    dead goby? he was fine!

    ya its 1.025 sorry. and i have live sand.
  7. armywife1314

    dead goby? he was fine!

    i see him dead, no ammonia spike though. thats why im wondering if maybe something happened once the lights went out. or something else.
  8. armywife1314

    dead goby? he was fine!

    i bought a diamond goby last night to help maintain the sand and he was good, working away when i went to bed. i woke up this morning and hes a goner. what happened? he was good. all the levels are good ph 8.0 amm 0 trites 0 trates 20 sg 1.25 my inverts, nems, corals, and other fish are fine...
  9. armywife1314

    clown w/swollen eye?

    ive had the fish for 5 days. i just did a water change yesterday with ro/di water hoping it would help. the levels are good ph 8.0 amm 0 trites 0 trates 20 sg 1.25
  10. armywife1314

    clown w/swollen eye?

    my true perc was fine yesterday and i just looked and his right eye is swollen. what's wrong?
  11. armywife1314

    clean up crew?

    i had a rock with hair algae on it, i had gotten it from a friend. i scrubbed the algae off (dont want it to spread). i just want to make sure the tank stays clean basically, kinda getting ahead before i end up behind type of thing. i know i have a cleaner for the fish, and some for the rocks...
  12. armywife1314

    clean up crew?

    72 bowfront
  13. armywife1314

    clean up crew?

    are there any fish that would clean like that, too
  14. armywife1314

    clean up crew?

    i need some advice on a clean up crew. i need something that is reef safe. i have a gbta, 2 true percs, a cleaner shrimp, a peppermint shrimp, about 10 blue leg hermits, a tiny brittle star, and corals. i want something to clean the sand well, and the rocks. what should i get?
  15. armywife1314

    Which is more important?

  16. armywife1314

    BubbleTip problem.

    omg, that is great to hear! i just got t5s yesterday and my anenome looked so much better after i put them on. my true percs love it, i dont know what they would do without it. i did just have actinics and it looked decent but after the t5 was up for awhile i could tell it was doing so much...
  17. armywife1314


    im not sure yet. he has the legs for it but i have room to hang it i think ill just see how things go once i get it here. either way its not a problem.
  18. armywife1314

    uv sterilizer

    ive remotely heard of this and have seen them in the lfs but what are they, what do they do for the tank? and do i need one?
  19. armywife1314


    Aqua Medic Ocean Light T5/Metal Halide Combo - 48 inch 2 x 250 Watt MH + 2 x 54 Watt T5 Fixture - Black is this any good, a friend of a friend is selling it for $400 the bulbs are 2months old.