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  1. salisbury a d

    beer gets hot coffee gets cold?

    I wouldn't start over for a small problem. My system seems to be working through. All fish and corals have adjusted to the lights easily and the only prob is hair algae. Randalf. Do you have lr? or just those few corals? Try cutting down the light some. Is it possible to shut off a few of...
  2. salisbury a d

    5 1/2 gallon set up

    What about a protein skimmer? What would the filtration be just the lr and ls? Can you do that? Any fish? Clownfish? Goby? The demensions of the tank are 16" by 9" Adam
  3. salisbury a d

    beer gets hot coffee gets cold?

    This happend to me too but do not know why. I didn't get bulbls with a higher wattage I got knew bulbs the same wattage but higher kelvin. Now I have about 4 times more the hair algae than before. Everyother day I "harvest" the hair algae and it is a pain in the butt. Adam
  4. salisbury a d

    5 1/2 gallon set up

    I have a 5.5 gallon tank that is set up for freshwater but I want to convert it. What should I get for filtration and lighting. I already know the lighting has to go and possibly the filter. It has one of those small hang on filters. Is this a good Idea or bad to set up a tank so small? What...
  5. salisbury a d

    Help Me Convince My Folks

    I also side with your parents. It is a great hobby but I think that, what did you say 8 tanks, is way too many. Your electric bill must be through the roof and your house must sound like a control center with all the pumps going. I have three tanks and that is enough. One in the living room...
  6. salisbury a d

    keyhole angle behavior

    I haven't been too successful with angels but I hope for the best. I just bought some firefish and they also had this behavior for awhile. They soon got over it and are out almost all day. When I did have an angel it took a few weeks to not be so shy. Adam
  7. salisbury a d

    feeding shrimp and fish

    Yes you have to feed cleaner shrimp.! I feed mine frozen krill from the store and it also eats the frozen brine shrimp I feed my fish. The cleaner shrimp only picks diseases off of fish and not all fish will go to the shrimp for help. The only fish I have had go to my shrimp is the angelfish. I...
  8. salisbury a d

    Fu man chu or Radiata

    What could you tell me about these lionfish. Dendrochirus brachypterus/ shortfin lion Dendrochirus zebra/Dwarf lin Pterois antennata/Antennata lion or Pterois mombasae/Mombasa Turkeyfish Adam Which ones including the Fu Man Chu and Radiata are readily seen in aquarium stores. Adam
  9. salisbury a d

    Fu man chu or Radiata

    I have a 45 gallon I want to set up with a lionfish. This won't be anytime soon I want to get everything sorted out, save up some money and do it right. Thanx for the input. Anymore info is appretiated. Adam Oh also how will I recognize a healthy lionfish in the store. Adam
  10. salisbury a d

    Fu man chu or Radiata

    My book says that the Fu man chu lion is hard to acclimate. Who here has had good luck with it. I want to get a lion and I would either want the Fu man chu or the Radiata lion. My book says the Radiata is also is called the clearfin and gets to be 9 inches. This web site says 13 inches...
  11. salisbury a d

    raising brine

    I won't be much help except that it is a pain in the but and was a waste of my time. I never got them to adulthood. Adam
  12. salisbury a d

    feeding chocolate chips

    Get rid of it! it is evil! I had one and it was a pain in the @$$. It ate the brittle stars that came with my package and then worked on my mushroom corals. I took it back to the pet store. Adam
  13. salisbury a d

    science fair project

    I don't think you should do it. If you use live fish it would be way to stressful on them. I would be a waste. The fish may get a disease and die. Adam
  14. salisbury a d

    science fair project

    If it involves live fish I would not recamend it. It will put too much stress on the fish and would be a waste. Adam
  15. salisbury a d

    Damsel Vs Dwarf Lion

    Damsels are good for cycling but should be introduced last when stocking. But when cycling that can't be avoided. If possible catch them and sell them to the lfs or trade them. Not sure but I think the venom is only in the tip of the spines. Adam
  16. salisbury a d

    Setup Costs

    Couple thousand to set up and many more over the years with coral and fish loss and constant suppliments and light bulbs. Adam
  17. salisbury a d

    feeding chocolate chips

    I had one. Get rid of it. It is a pest and will eat things. It ate the two brittle stars that came in a package and then started on my mushroom corals. It then spent a month in my sump and then on to the pet store as a trade in. Get rid of it!! Evil! Evil! Adam:mad:
  18. salisbury a d

    fish ID (with pic) and fish list

    Are you planning to have live rock and it be a reef tank. Even though your tank is 75 gallons the trigger may eventually outgrow the tank and have to be a trade in also. I do not recamend corals or inverts with these fish. Secure the live rock tightly you don't want the moray to knock them...
  19. salisbury a d

    What clownfish for bubble tip anemone

    Thanks I think I will go with the tomato or the maroon. Whatever is availiable. Maroons aren't sold too much at the stores I go to. Adam
  20. salisbury a d

    too much coraline algae, help!

    Be very careful with the blade and you shouldn't have any scratches. I have a bow front and if you do too run the blade with the curve. I have more scratches from positioning live rock than from the razor blade. Adam