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  1. salisbury a d

    adding seahorses

    I would definelty say no! They are better off in a species tank. The other fish will be quicker to the food and sea horses only eat life brine shrimp. They will cling to the corals you have preventing them to open and eventually waste away. Sea horses are very slow moving so currents need to...
  2. salisbury a d

    Another horrible LFS story

    This just happened Recently. I went to the store (*****) ya I know not the best choice but when you know what you are doing you can be pretty successful with their fish. Anyway. Few months ago I had a nicely stocked tank with two clowns and a goby. I wanted to try my luck with a pygmy angel and...
  3. salisbury a d

    RedSea Berlin skimmer

    Yes I have this problem but not with the Berlin. I bought the Red Sea Prizm skimmer and I hate the damn thing so much. It worked fine when I got it but now it is a Bi*ch. It is very loud. Trying to get the waterflow just right is a pain because it is either circulating too fast and the foom...
  4. salisbury a d


    Oh forgot to say. No matter what you buy even if it is one item plan to spend a bundle. Shipping I think is like $30. Adam
  5. salisbury a d


    I ordered a clean up crew and it has done fine. However it cleaned a little too good. Be careful what you get. Use the build it yourself or whatever it is. The hermit crabs attacked the snails and then went after some of my corals. Adam
  6. salisbury a d

    temp's at 84, will inverts be ok?

    We don't have ac and over the summer our tank reaches 84 also. Nothing has died because of it but it still is not good. Floating the ice was a waste of time don't bother. It melts in about 2 minutes and only drops the temp by 1 degree with about every four continuous bottles of ice. Adam
  7. salisbury a d

    Harlequin Shrimp

    Since I have had teh worst luck with fish in the past year I want to get inverts instead. At Christmas time all of the fish died from ich. I waited till the end of March to add more fish that all died from ich. All but one fish remains. It is a yellow watchman goby that is one of teh first...
  8. salisbury a d

    protein skimmers and filtration

    If you do get another skimmer do not buy the Red Sea Prizm. it is the worst skimmer I have had. It is very loud and never works right. It either puts out a large amount of micro bubbles into the tank or it is inefficient (sp?) Adam
  9. salisbury a d

    Ich!! Ahhhhh!

    They are fine: eating, swimming properly, fine except a few spots of ich. I mixed water yesterday for a quarentine tank and I am assemblig bits and pieces for a filter. Adam
  10. salisbury a d

    Ich!! Ahhhhh!

    It is not terribly bad yet. Only a few spots per fish. My tank is 46 gallons and there are 4 fish. What did you mean by the quarentine tank being "An ounce of prevention" Adam
  11. salisbury a d

    Ich!! Ahhhhh!

    The person at the lfs once told me that if there was an anemone the clowns went into the anemone would kill off the ich. Is this true? Adam
  12. salisbury a d

    Ich!! Ahhhhh!

    I am just starting to restock my tank with a few fish. Before Christmas all the fish died. Yes I wated to get new fish. Since the middle of February I have had a Flame angel and a royal gramma. Also my watchman goby survived the "plague." I just purchased two false percula clownfish last week...
  13. salisbury a d

    New fish and where is the...?

    I have had it for over a week now and no problems at all. I had to trade in my ornate wrasse. Pain in the a$$ ate my feather duster and was working on my sabae anemone too. I also just got new light bulbs and it made such a difference. I got a higher kelvin bulb and a higher quality actinic...
  14. salisbury a d

    New fish and where is the...?

    I just got a flame angel and it is doing great. Just thought I would share the news. Oh and where is the Aquarium forum? What happened to it? Adam :D
  15. salisbury a d

    What happned to BurnSpy?

    Yeah, he moved to RI. I used to talk with him online but not anymore. He said something once he had a I think around 200 gallon waiting to be set up. Adam
  16. salisbury a d

    Help with reef/hair Algae tank

    Kimf You use fesh water to wash the rock that is the reason you lost coraline algae and you probably lost more than that. Never use fresh water to scrub lr. Always mix salt water and scrub it in that. I have Hair algae too Because I use tap water. It is caused by most likely your phosphates. I...
  17. salisbury a d

    Any suggestions on how to change from cc to ls easily?

    When I did this it was after well after my cycle. First take out the live rock and put it in a CLEAN bucket with some water and damp paper towels on top. Then chase the fish around a while and put them in a nother bucket. Do as large a water change as possible. Scoop out the cc. Add the ls with...
  18. salisbury a d

    Yet another starter queston...

    Welcome to the Hobby. You got a good size tank to start with but you should switch the cc to sand now while the tank is still cycling. It will be a lot easier than after. Also the cc does not benefit the tank where as the ls will act as a biological filter. If you ever decide to keep corals...
  19. salisbury a d

    Mr. Tang... I need your help!!!

    Not sure what it is but it possibly is the beginnings of Popeye. In the future NEVER buy fish that: Have spots blemmishes torn fins difficulty swimming eratic swimming behavoir repetative swimming: same swim path over and over not eating pinched sides or stomach cloudy eyes floating upside down...
  20. salisbury a d

    Breeding fish?

    I was just curious. What is the easiest fish to breed and raise the fry to adulthood in the home aqurium? Adam